SCENARIO: If they had children

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Haha...I woke up at 2am and can't sleep-

This is the first ever scenario in this book! This scenario is basically showing what would happen if the MC ended up together with a certain character and ended up raising a kid with them.

I'd consider these scenarios canon to what the characters would actually do, though their opinions and views could change as the book goes on!


Funny enough, he's actually an amazing dad. Definitely a bit too overprotective, but besides that he's not the worst out of this list. He knows how it feels to be alone and unloved, so he makes sure his kid knows that they're loved no matter what.

If the child is biologically yours, He'd constantly point out any similarities he shares them them like their eyes or nose. This little kid probably won't grow up to be like their dad, in fact they'd probably grow up to be something like Conny.


Well....He has some unworked issues that accidentally leak into his parenting. Jack has been through multiple types of absolute hell ever since he was young, leading to him holding the belief that life is just cruel to children. He's overprotective and constantly tells his kid that people can't be trusted, which leads the kid to have a grey moral compass in the future because they begin to believe that people are just born evil.

Jack's kid would most likely grow up to be the new Toby.


He's such a gentle father specifically because he doesn't want to scare his child with his "differences". If the child is biologically his and turns out to have gotten some of his clawed genetics he may just openly start crying.

His kid turns out to be the kindest person you'd ever know. They believe that everyone, even infected, have the chance to be good. That view was made because of their wonderful infected father. They turn out sort of like Axel, sweet but awkward to an extent.

Oliver (shhh)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You'd have to be the role model here, Oliver is way too set in his strange (and slightly cruel) ways to be a kind father. He'd try to raise your kid like they're a soldier because that's how he was raised in the district and he turned out 'fine'.

If Oliver has an influence in his child's life then they might end up being a stricter or more pissy version of him. Imagine Oliver with Alex's temper, that'd be your kid. That said, please do not let Oliver do this.

Sam (SHHHHH)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When he realized that he had a kid, he panicked and had the three of you flee to an abandoned farm while the kid was really small...he was really afraid of other people hurting his little baby. The sweet boy would constantly be emotional about everything your child does. Talking? He's crying. Walking? Poor Sam is sobbing in joy. He has a big influence on his kid because he's open about his thoughts and emotions to them.

Your kid ends up being the most mentally stable of them all, not really resembling the group that much because they didn't go through any type of trauma throughout their adolescent life and continued to stay at the farm for a while. You watched your child grow up, and even when they left the farm they eventually came back with their own spouse and child. You, Sam, your child, and your child's family all live out a peaceful and happy life.


Oh the dad jokes....

But on a more serious note, Conny would actually be such a sweet and thoughtful father. He wants his kid to understand how to survive without mixing survival with sociopathy-like actions. Your kid learns from a really young age about your group and the mistakes they all made back then.

Your kid basically grows up to be another Conny, hiding their knowledge of the world around them with puns while still surviving better than most people ever could. Conny is a proud dad.


I'm saying this right now, if your kid is biologically theirs then it'll look like them. They have 5 siblings and a pair of twins and all of them are almost exactly alike, both in appearance and personality. River's genetics will definitely show in the kid and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. River teaches your kid about lots of things, mostly how to use a wide range of weapons and how to do a perfect lie.

Again, the kid grows up to be a near spitting image of their parent. They have River's lessons in their mind and River's cocky smirk on their face. They basically end up being a copy paste of their cocky parent, but thanks to you they might know when to halt the bullshit...or maybe not, maybe they're just twice the chaos River was.


He has absolutely no idea how to raise a kid, but he'll do his damnedest. He ends up just dumping all the knowledge he has about medical stuff or just random facts. Your kid will be well taught, but in the weirdest subjects.

Your kid will probably grow up to be a less awkward version of Axel since they'll probably not have the forced dependency trauma that Axel grew up with. In fact, Axel might end up enforcing a sense of independence in them.


I have several questions. Mostly...why Alex?

This man is far too overprotective and overbearing, he acts like your child is someone that will just flop over and die if they even look outside a window. This fear is probably the same fear Alex had with his twin brother, meaning he's creating the same toxic relationship with his kid that he forced onto Axel.

Your poor kid will grow up resenting their father. They never really got survival skills due to Alex refusing to let them have a means of independence (due to Axel getting independence and immediately "leaving" Alex), meaning they don't know how to fight or even socialize correctly. They end up running away just to get away from the house they were trapped in for their entire life. They probably died to one of the dead, but you'll never know.


She is a wonderful mother who actually does not have any trauma to project onto her child. They grow up learning both English and French, so you live in a bilingual family. Jay loves teaching your child and understands the concept of gentle parenting better than most.

Your child will grow up to be like a calmer version of Conny. Careless, yet understanding that the world is shit. Unfortunately for you Jay has a relatively permissive parenting style, meaning you have to be the bad guy in a lot of situations to keep your kid from getting into dangerous situations just because Jay doesn't have a good sense of self preservation for her or her kid.


It would be like raising a kid with your best friend. He'd definitely be the type of dad to cackle about how fucking creepy newborns look or accidentally cover the baby in baby powder while trying to change them. He wants to be a friend to the kid, but he knows he has to be a tough parent at times too.

Your kid grows up humble and cocky at the same time, they switch from being the kindest soul to the most annoying little gremlin ever in an unbelievably short amount of time. Nyx couldn't be prouder. Your kid probably grows up to be another groups version of Conny or Jack...again, Nyx is a proud dad.

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