After The War

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After we won, me and Jiang Fengmian invited all the clan leaders and the main war contributors to Lotus Pear to celebrate. On the way there the children decided to take the same boat but I could see there was tension between my son and the first jade and now when I look at it, it seems that the tension extended also to a young man with a vermillion mark and hat.

I scrunch my eyebrows at this as I don't seem to recall a-cheng ever having contact with him. I was so focused on observing them that I didn't realise Jiang Fengmian has stood beside and is looking at me intently.

When I realised his presence,he had already started the conversation. " My lady, you did extraordinary work today." He said with a small yet gentle smile.

I looked at him for a while without answering. This was the first time he ever smiled so gently at me.Before I was reincarnated, it might have moved my heart and give me hope that this marriage could end up being a happy and loving one which is an ill advised hope.

Fortunately, my eyes were already opened so I regarded that smile as nothing more than a friendly gesture.

After a while I only nodded my head at him and turned my head to observe the children from the boat across from us.

" My lady..." he tried to say again but was interrupted by a voice from the boat behind us.

"A-zi!" shouted A-Fei while waving his arms like a maniac.

I laughed at his antics and waved at him too, disregarding the hitted stare from the man beside me.Why should I care? He is probably still holding a grudge against a-fei for insulting his beloved changse.

Right when I was about to reply to him, Jiang Fengmian grabbed my hand and dragged me inside.He sat us down on one of the benches inside the boat and held my hands tightly.

I tried to pull my hands away but he only held it tighter. Seriously? What is wrong with this man? I just let it go as I don't want to cause a scene in front of the sect leaders.

We stayed that way without uttering another word until we reached lotus pear and he let go of my hand to gesture to the sect leaders to go in before us and instructed the disciples to lead them to the throne room and to prepare refreshments for everyone then came back to me and take my hand again and dragged us to our quarters while telling everyone that we would to freshen up a bit.

When we were alone, I tried to pull my hands away while he dragged me to, his room and then he finally let go.

" What is the meaning of this Jiang Fengmian?" I asked while crossing my arms with a frown on my face.

From the corner of my eye, I could see zi dian sparking from my fingers to show how annoyed I am.

" I would suggest you have some propriety when dealing with Li Feiye,my lady especially when right now we are in the presence of many sect leaders." He said to me with a slight frown which I hate so much.

That frown was always reserved for me in my past life and in this life. That frown is the only expression I see everytime we have most of our conversation.That frown that he never gave to anyone else, especially to her.

" You don't get to tell me what to do or who I interact with.A-fei is my childhood friend, he is like family to me and everyone knows that so I don't think we will give the wrong idea even if we hug." I replied while slightly glaring at him.

He was about to retort when I put up my hand to stop him.

" But if it worries you so much my lord then I'll restrain myself to greet my childhood friend who just helped us defeat our enemies and helped us protect our sect and our children." I snapped at him, before he replied, I turned around and made my way out the door.

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