Beginning of the End < for the Wens ;) > part 3

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The next day, I replied to A-Fei's message, when I was about to send it out, I heard a cough from behind me. "My lady!" A voice behind me called. I tensed a little before relaxing my shoulders. I turned around and went face to face with Jiang Fengmian.Our faces were a little too close for my liking so I took a step back before realising that there were only stairs behind me and my foot slipped and I fell backwards.

I closed my eyes for the impact until I felt a hand grabbed my waist and I was pulled into a warm embrace. I opened my eyes and we both looked at each other until I slowly  let go of my unconscious hold of his shoulders and pulled myself away from him. " Thank you, my lord!" I said while looking away with a warm sensation from my cheeks.


After I composed myself, I looked at him with a passive face. " Is there something the matter my lord?" I asked him. " All the sect leaders has already replied, their coming to Cloud Recesses as we speak." He informed me with that usual smile on his face. " Alright then we better go as well." I said as I handed out the letter to one of the disciples that were passing by. " Please give this to the messaging bureau." I said to him as he nodded and saluted both of us.

" Where are Jinzu and Yinzu?" He asked. " They have a few errands to run for me." I said simply and went to my room to get my bags. After that, me and Jiang Fengmian met up at the port. " Shall we, my lady?" He asked with a smile while mounting his sword. I only nodded at him and mounted mine.Together we flew with a fast pace to the Cloud Recesses.

We arrived after a few hours and were greeted by Lan Qiren himself. " Sect leader Jiang, madame Yu" he greeted us. 

After the formalities, he guided us to the Gusu Lan library and opened the secret door leading to the secret library underneath it.

There we could see sect leader nie and Qingxue or otherwise known as madame Jin sitting around a makeshift table drinking some tea, right when they saw us they stood and gave a greeting and vice versa. 

After we all sat down, I decided to get straight to business. " Master Lan, I trust the first jade is already on his way to meet my son and the second jade?" I asked, starting the conversation while sipping a cup of tea.

"Yes, he has. Thank you for the warning of the Wens treachery, madame Yu, you've saved us a great deal of loss." He said while saluting.

" Excuse me, Ziyuan, would you mind telling us what exactly is going on here? And why did you ask us to come here discreetly and don't act like it's your husband's plan, I know you too well to not recognise your way of thinking by now." She said while putting her cup of tea down and crossing her arms in front of her chest while staring hard at me. 

I smirked, " Wasn't planning to, Qingxue!" I replied, " I believe you too have the same curiosity sect leader nie?" I asked with a small smile directed at him. " I wouldn't say I don't, madame!" He said with a straight face.

"Well then, listen closely because this is going to be a long and interesting explanation." I said while taking the files that I got on the Wens and my battle plans.

So I started in telling them the same back story I told Jiang Fengmian about why I suspected the Wens which is I got a letter sent by A-Fei telling me that there are abnormal mobilizations of the Wen's cultivators around Meishan and other areas where he's travelled and then I proceeded to tell them that I' ve sent spies from Meishan that are still very loyal to me to infiltrate the Wen sect and to report any abnormalities.

After that I briefed them on what they found including secret plans on how to destroy all 3 of the main sects so they could be the sole remaining powerful sect thus nobody would dare to oppose them even if their using something as taboo as the Yin iron, of course not forgetting to tell them about sect leader Jin's involvement in all of these mess.

After I finished my explanation, there was a long pause and I could feel 4 pairs of eyes staring straight at me.It was broken when Qingxue slammed her hands on the table and stood up from her seat, " that's good for nothing , slimmy husband of mine!Wait till I get my hands on you!" She yelled and then realising that she's still not alone decided to sit back down and stayed quiet.

I wouldn't blame her though if my husband ever did the shit that Jin Guangshan did, I would also be at the end of my wits. I heard a cough beside  me so I turned my head and was greeted by a pair of light brown eyes, " I'm sorry my lady but this doesn't answer the question on what exactly is your plan?" Jiang Fengmian asked me with quizzical eyes.

" Well let me start off on how the Cloud Recesses survived the attack, if I may Madame Yu?" Lan Qiren asked me politely. " Please go ahead master Lan!" I said with a smile.

" About a week before the attack, we received a letter from one of our former student Li Feiye.He told us that the Wens are coming to attack and are planning something big for the cultivation world which he promised would be explained by madame Yu later on.He also asked us to play the illusion music for the Wens when they attack so that they would just turn away from out sect and only attacked the nearby trees which they thought to be cultivators.In the letter he also asked us to create an array as to create an illusion for anyone that will come inside the Cloud Recesses in the incoming future that the Cloud Recesses was burned and a lot of it's cultivator was killed. 

In the letter, he also asked us to keep a low profile and to let them take the second jade and to let the first jade to come for him in a week's time.After that the letter doesn't say much else but to ask us to prepare a private room for meeting thus we are having it here where no one but the Lan bloodline know of it." Explained Lan Qiren calmly.

" I trust you have done everything that was asked in the letter master Lan?" I asked calmly.

" Yes, madame we have! And Xichen is probably already meeting with your son as we speak." He said.

"Excellent. Now I would like to tell you  my plan to stop the Wens, if you'd allow me." I said again, now with a serious face that was reciprocated with three nods with an equally serious expression on all three faces.

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