Bonding part 1

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A few months after rigorous training sessions together, and A-Cheng and I have started to become closer. Now, he doesn't hesitate to run to me and envelop me in a big hug every time he sees me.

Right now, we're having dinner as a family, and A-Cheng is telling me about how he and Wei Wuxian fell off a boat when they were picking lotus seeds in the lake.

Wei Wuxian is just listening intently while sometimes adding in a few details. I look at them with a bemused expression on my face.

"And it wasn't our fault A-Niang, we were trying to pick one of the lotus seeds when all of a sudden- San-ge's boat crashed into ours," Jiang Cheng muttered, a pout in his face.

"Perhaps you should have anchored the boat first so the boat wouldn't move around too much- even if something crashed into it," A-Li murmured, trying to hold back a laugh.

"A-jiee..." A-Cheng whined, furrowing his brows and pouting even more.

"Alright, alright. Let's stop bickering and eat now. Your food is getting cold," I called, rolling my eyes at A- Cheng. Turning around to look at Wei Wuxian, I murmur, "You too, Wuxian."

I picked up my chopstick and started eating again. From the corner of my eye, I could see a glimmer of happiness in Wei Wuxian's eyes when I acknowledged him.

Jiang Fengmian eyed both A- cheng, and I- his eyes twinkling in amusement. I just ignore him and start to put meat on A-Cheng's and A-Li's plates.

Then, I see him moving his chopsticks and taking a piece of meat from the table. I thought he was going to give it to Wei Wuxian but he surprised me by putting the meat on my plate instead.

"So, A-Cheng, how is training with your mother doing?" asks Jiang Fengmian, which caught all of us off guard. I slowly look up from the meat on my plate and turn my head towards A-Cheng.

"Good, A-die!" He answered, eyes wide with surprise. There was a delighted look on his face- like he couldnt believe his father was acknowledging him. It irritates me to no end because he shouldn't be surprised by the intention that's given by his OWN father. Ever since we started training, Jiang Fengmian never asked him about how he is doing and every time A-Cheng tried to tell him anything- Jiang Fengmian would only give him a slight nod or curt words and continue to talk to Wei Wuxian about his techniques and how to improve.

After some time, he just gave up and stayed silent whenever Jiang Fengmian was present. But he always had that longing look on his face whenever his father talked to Wei Wuxian. He always has that uptight look on his face whenever Jiang Fengmian is around- like he wants to impress him. That also makes me angry, because no child should ever try THAT hard to impress their parents. Its the thing that made me guilty of my actions in my past life. I should have encouraged him- not demanded things from him.

But this time, I swear, I will be different and I'll try my hardest to become the mother that my children deserve.

"I trust you have improved. Have you mastered the lotus formation yet? A-Xian just learned it yesterday, and if you'd like- you can join us for tomorrow's practice." Jiang Fengmian offered, oblivious of the darkening faces of both his son and wife.

I was about to retort something, when A-Cheng answered in the coldest voice I've ever heard him use. "Mother already taught me that move a month ago, A-die. And I've already mastered it." He said, still focusing on his meal.

"Oh, then how about you help me train A-xian tomorrow? I would see for myself if you have mastered it or not," my VERY oblivious husband offered again.

I have practice tomorrow with A-Niang and I don't want to miss it. I trust A-Niangs judgment. If she says I've mastered it, then I've mastered it," He muttered, his voice trembling and tears welling up in his watery eyes. He put down his chopsticks, excusing himself.

"I think I should go too, Wei Wuxian mumbled, giving a quick bow to me and Fengmian, before scurrying after A-Cheng.

I swear- if it weren't for the loyalty of that boy to A-Cheng and A-Li, I would have kicked him out of Lotus Pier a long time ago. To hell what good-for-nothing husband of mine wants.

I gave Fengmian a hard glare. I was about to scream at him but then I remembered that it was pointless. "A-Li, I know you don't like cultivation or training with swords but I still would like you to learn something. Perhaps learn how to play a dizi?" I asked after a few minutes of awkward silence.

Actually, A-Niang, I am quite interested in medicine. These past few months, ever since I saw that Doctor Li can easily cure you of Qi Deviation." A-li shyly answers.

Ahh... my selfless and kind-hearted daughter. I still standby what I believed in my previous life: any man would be lucky to have her. I still don't know what Madame Jin has fed her son that he doesn't see the precious jewel that A-Li is.

I smiled at her. " Okay then, I think you should learn from Yinzu. She may be my servant, but she used to be the head doctor of the Meishan Yu sect. And I'm more comfortable with you learning from someone I truly trust, rather than a stranger," I nodded, finishing my food.

"Yes, A-Niang!" Jiang Yanli cried, enthusiastically.

"Excellent, you may start tomorrow then. Now, if you excuse me, I think I have to tend to your brother," I muttered, a grim smile on my face as I got up and left.

I walked calmly to A-Cheng's room and I could feel a heated gaze from my beloved husband. Well, fuck him. If he doesn't care about A-Cheng, then I will give A-Cheng enough love for both of us. If he doesn't want to train A-Cheng, then I will train A-Cheng myself so that he can be the best warrior and sect leader that he possibly can be. Yes him- A-Cheng. Not some Wei Wuxian. And while I won't be comparing A-cheng with anyone else anymore because I know from experience that it doesn't help- I still cant help myself from making a biting comment every once in a while.

I turned the corner to A-Cheng's room and inside, I could hear the whimpers of my son. The sound of Wei Wuxians hushed whispers, trying to console him. So I knocked and opened the door. What I saw made me smile...


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