New Beginnings?

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Present time...

I thought that was it. I thought I could finally rest and leave my past behind. I thought my heartbreak was over, nothing more than a thing of the past.

But fate has a way of messing with you

As I opened my eyes, I was greeted with an all too familiar sight. Light brown eyes bore into me, concern clear in those amber depths.

My lady, are you okay? asked a man with a worried expression. Yes, it was THAT man, Jiang Fengmian.

What on earth is going on?? Why am I lying on the ground of the training field?

I didn't answer him and tried to get up. But my body was too weak and I ended up falling backward. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for my inevitable fall. But it never happened. Instead, I only feel a warm pair of hands, catching me- holding me steady as I tried to catch my breath.

I look into my husbands eyes and I could swear that there was a hint of worry in his eyes- a tiny bit of concern that sparked to life there. But then again, what do I know? I've been fooling myself for 20 long years- thinking that this man cared about me.

I looked around me and I could see many worried gazes looking at me. One of them is the eyes of my son.

My son. My darling A-Cheng. My dear, dear, child that I thought I could never see again.

I feel tears welling in my eyes as I look at him.

He stared back at me, tears running down his chubby cheeks and his small hands clutching my sleeves like his life depended on it.

"A-Cheng!" I called with a shaky voice, "Come here!" I cried, opening my arms to him. He throws himself at me and hugs me tightly with little arms. I hold him, pulling him close to me in a way I never did in my previous life.

I looked up, eyes coming to rest on the young face of my daughter. She's holding the hand of that servant's... No, Wei Wuxian. I promised myself that in this life, I would not waste my time or energy on hating a person for something that I know is not his fault. "A-Li, come here!" I murmured, once again holding my arms open. She runs to me, hugging me even tighter than A-Cheng does.

We stay like that for a while until we hear a cough coming from my husband.

"A-Li, A-Cheng, you go with Jinzhu and Jinzhu to help your mother to her quarters!" he commanded, picking up Wei Wuxian and holding him in his arms. "Come on A-Xian, let me see your strikes!" he said, smiling lovingly at Wei Wuxian.

From the corner of my eye, I could see hurt and jealousy etched on A-Cheng's face, and still hurts me to see that he knows that his own father favors another person. I wanted to scream at that good-for-nothing husband of mine but I stopped myself because I know it won't work.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Come children," I muttered, rising to my feet. With the help of Jinzhu and Yinzhu, we walk away without sparing my husband a second glance. As I walked, I thought I felt a pair of eyes looking at my retreating back- but maybe that's just my imagination.

When I arrive at my quarters, I send A-Cheng and A-Li back to their studies and close the door. Turning around to look at my 2 most trusted servants, I explained what had happened.

I decided to tell them that my memories were a bit disoriented and asked them to fill me in on what happened today.

"Answering my lady, today when my lady was training the disciples and the young master, my lady saw the sect leader giving young master Wei private sword lessons and went into Qi Deviation." Yinzu answers while bowing.

I take a deep breath, "What year is it?" I ask trying to keep my face neutral.

"Answering my lady, it is the year 247," answers Jinzu with a worried face.

I sit down on my bed and try to gather my thoughts. If it's the year 247, then A-Cheng is still five years old, A-Li is eight, and Wei Wuxian is six.

The Wens attacked us when A-Cheng was 16 years old. So that means I still have 11 years to prevent the destruction of Lotus Pier. I look at Yinzu and Jinzu with fiery determination.

"Tell me everything that has been going on this past year!"


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