Beginning of the End < for the Wens ;) > part 2

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After I said those words, I could see Jiang Fengmian looking at me quizzically and lifted the documents I put on his desk with... shaking hands?? Why would he be scared? He didn't even open the files.

"What is this?" he asks with a shaky voice. I looked at him with a frown. " My files on the Wens. It contains all of their illegal dealings and their schemes to take over the cultivation world as well as my plan to stop that from happening." I answered with a straight face.

Visibly I could feel him relax in his seat which is surprising considering that the file contains a lot of the Wens exploits and their plan for WORLD domination which also contain their plan to attack Lotus Pier in the near future. Yeah, turns out the attack on our home was not Wen Chao's idiotic impulsivity because of his bruised ego but it was a well thought out plan by Wen Ruohan and that Jin sect leader with not a single back bone in his body, Jin Guangshan.

" How long have you been preparing for this?" Asked Jiang Fengmian as he was skimming down my notes. " Since 10 years ago." I said flatly. He visibly stopped scanning the papers and looked at me for a long time.

"How did you know the Wens were planning something 10 years ago?" He asked with a quizzical face. I smirked, I've been preparing this answer ever since I started this investigation as I couldn't very well say I remembered it from my past life, now can I? Even though it would've been fun to see his face when I said that.

" Li Fei Ye." I said simply. I could see Jiang Fengmian tense up.

" And how do you know he's information is legitimate?" He asked with gritted teeth.

" Well, other than the fact that he is my childhood friend and that I would trust him with my life, I' ve already checked his stories and it all checks out." I answered,a frown on my face.

Ah, I guess he hasn't gotten over it yet. By 'it' I meant that time when A-Fei called him out for being a coward and a cheat for loving a women other than his wife,namely me and literally called Cangse Sanren out for letting it escalate and not stopping it and of course let's not forget calling her a hypocrite when she said that I shouldn't be too close to A-Fei when I'm already a married women which earned him a punch from not only her husband and Jiang Fengmian if I  hadn't intercepted by using zidian to block Fengmian's punch.

After that he left Lotus Pier and never came back and I don't blame him but we still keep in touch now and then as we always write letters to each other monthly. " Does it matter who the information is from,my lord?" I asked with a cold tone,

" Even if you do not trust our information, you would know it's validity by what the Wens did to the Cloud Recesses." I continued while pouring myself a cup of tea.

" If you had this information, why didn't you share it with me and the other sect leaders? You could have  prevented the burning of Gusu Lan." He said with a frown. I only smirked and said, " Who said I didn't share it?" I asked again.

" What do you.." he was about to ask again but I'm getting impatient. " Enough Jiang Fengmian! I'll explain it to you later when we' ve already rounded all the 4 major sects together!Right now we need to send letters to sect leader Nie and madame Jin to meet us discreetly at Gusu!" I said while standing up and slamming my hand on his desk.

He only looked at me for a very long time. I only sighed. " Do you not trust me, Jiang Fengmian?" I asked while retracting my hand from his desk and straightening my stance. " Of Course I trust you,my lady!" He said surprisingly rather quickly, I might add. " Then for once, please do as I ask without any arguments." I said with a serious face on. I think he could see the anxiety in my eyes as if he refuses than this plan would be harder to execute 'cause like it or not, his words would be much more taken seriously then mine.

" Alright!" He said with a sigh, " and what of the Gusu Lan sect? Shall I write a letter that we will be visiting?" He asked while taking a brush and paper and started writing the letters.

" No! They've already been notified, my lord!" I said with a genuine smile. We stared at each other for a while. " If there's nothing else, I'll excuse myself, my lord!" I said and gave a courtesy and left his study.

That night I received a letter from A- Fei.

'  A-Zi, the plan is going smoothly and all the small sects that you asked me to contact has already said yes and are preparing their army now. Meishan Yu's army is also ready and can be deployed anytime you give the word too. 

A-Zi, are you doing fine there? Does he still ignore you? I'll hurt him if he ever hurts you, you know that right? ( I chuckled when I read that)

By the way, I' ve already looked into that thing you asked me to, there is indeed a woman matching her description Jinping city of Jinping but I don't know about her husband. I'll contact you when I've found her. 

Right now me and your brother are still preparing everyone for battle and I trust that the Yunmeng disciple would be just as ready as we are even though we all know that ours is better. ( I shook my head on that one, A-Fei and A- Xi always are proud of Meishan Yu's fighting style) 

Stop shaking your head, you know it's true! ( I only smiled at this, A-Fei always knows me best) Anyway, that's all I can report for now. I'm sure we'll soon meet A-Zi, but until then stay safe.

P.s don't worry about your child too much, judging by what you've told me all these years about him, he seems to be a very intelligent and resourceful young man, he'll get through it, after all he is the great purple spider's son!( I chuckled at this and then sighed, he always knows my worries even if I don't tell him doesn't he.)


A- Fei'

After I read the letter, I went to bed with a big smile on my face.

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