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Hello, my readers!!
Thank you for being so patient in waiting for the updates. So anyways sorry I'm late in updating the chapters so to make it up to you all, I decided to publish 3 these three chapters early.

Stay tuned for the next chapter on Sunday as per usual...

Thank you

After that encounter, me and Jiang Fengmian never spoke again or in this case I avoided him at any cost while he attempted to talk to me the only conversation we had were with our children and Wuxian and later that day when he went to my quarters to ask about Wuxian's father which I answered with his most probably dead than shut the door in his face.

After 2 months, A-Cheng , me,  Wuxian and A-Li started going out to the city with A-Fei tagging along. Surprisingly, A-Fei got along with the kids quite well even with A-Cheng who always had a hard time letting people in especially after the war which still baffles and worries me still.

They often went on nighthunts with the other sect heirs, including the peacock apparently. According to A-Cheng, after a long time observing and finding out what’s so good about him, he and Wuxian could finally tolerate him which made me chuckle. The peacock apparently had some senses knocked into him that he started to actively chase after A-Li, right after asking permission from me and Jiang Fengmian of course which we both begrudgingly gave and apparently, A-Li is giving him a hard time which made me a very proud mother.

Right now, we're having dinner as a family when we hear a knock at the door. " Excuse me,sect leader, there's a woman claiming to be an acquaintance of yours waiting at the door." a disciple said right after he gave a salute. " What's her name?" asked Jiang Fengmian with furrowed eyebrows. " Changse Sanren,my lord," the disciple answered respectfully.

There's a giant pause at the table. " Send her in." Jiang Fengmian finally said.

The disciple saluted then left to fetch the women. " Uncle Jiang, that imposible, my mother died from a monster attack right?" asked Wuxian. The poor boy was both confused and anxious that his hands began to shake.

" I agree this could be a trap father, right A-niang?" asked A-Cheng,looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

" No, A-Cheng! Your father's right, we should let her in." I said to him with a small smile.

" Wuxian, we should talk after this." I said only to be given a slow nod from the usually chatty  boy.

Finally after a long agonizing silence there's a knock and the door slides open to reveal my former love rival, Cangse Sanren.

She's wearing all black from head to toe and her hair was only pinned with a simple jade hairpin. She walked in, only to run to Wuxian and hugged him while crying. " A-Xian, a-nian has finally come for you.Forgive A-niang for being late,okay." She said while still holding him tightly.

" A-niang!" Wuxian whispered while shedding a few tears as well. We see this touching reunion between mother and son and from the corner of my eye I could see A-Li shading a few tears as well while A- Cheng is trying to keep his at bay.

After a while, Jiang Fengmian asked the disciples to get an extra chair to the table and sat it right beside him and Wuxian. I smirked at this. Well can't say I'm surprised he's already making his move. Beside me, I could see A-Cheng frown because only the child of a sect leader or his wife could sit beside him. I patted his hand on the table, telling him that it's fine.

Sanren after hugging the life out of Wuxian decided to sit and we resumed our dinner with an awkward silence.

" So, how's everyone been, Fengmian? I could see your children have grown up well and thank you to both of you for taking care of my son." she said with a grin, trying to break the silence. I merely nodded and resumed eating while Jiang Fengmian was making small talk with her.

" A-Cheng how's the night hunt yesterday?" I asked as it was clear they won't be letting the rest of us join into their conversation anytime soon.

" Well, A-niang we faced a lot of angry ghouls and a few are elites.Wuxian here tried to..." he replied and continued to tell the story with a few interruptions from Wuxian who seems to be in high spirits after meeting his mother.

After that we talked about how that peacock's progress in courting my A-Li. " A-niang, I don't know if I should accept him after..." she replied one time and my face darkened.Apparently, that peacock decided to blame A- Li for taking another's kindness.From what A-Cheng told me, a few months ago right after we settled things down at home,the heirs decided to go to hunt down the escaping Wen cultivators and bring them back to trial, A-Li went along to be the designated healer of course because she's one of the best in the field according to the experts.

When they were camping, A-Li came by the peacock who is sitting next to Nie Huisang to give him some soup that she made but after he tasted it, not only did he not say thank you, he accused her of copying the recipe of one of his servants, one whose name I totally forgot about but still he told her to have some sense of propriety.

It made A-Li cry and ran out of the tent  only to realise after he made my daughter cry that the little minx of the servant that took away someone's kindness, not so surprisingly, A-Li was too shy to give him the soup herself so she asked one of the jin servants to give it to their sect leader only for that servant to coyly tricked the fool of a peacock that she was the one who made it.


And then a month later he came with his mother to beg for the chance to win her hand in marriage. After hours of begging on their part,me and Jiang Fengmian who were already informed of that fool's actions by Wuxian and A-Cheng,reluctantly agree because the boy seems to really regret his actions and loves A-Li so much which ofcourse he only realised after she distanced herself from him as expected of an idiotic man.

We were laughing when A-Li told us about how he tried to make food for her only to almost burn the whole damn kitchen down in the Jin sect where the heirs usually went on meetings there before night hunting when we heard a cough from beside me.

" It seems you all are discussing an important topic, care to tell us what it is?" asked Jiang Fengmian with a slight smile.

" Well, we wouldn't have to tell you if you didn't ignore us and A-nian to talk with your 'guest'" said A-Cheng with a cold tone which grew even colder after the war.

" Jiang Cheng, you watch your tongue with me young man!" siad Jiang Fengmian with a slightly raised tone.

" My apologies, my lord!" He said while turning away to look at the floor.

" You..." he said, only to be interrupted by a hand on top of his.

" I'm sorry if we accidentally ignored you Jiang gungzi, we were having too much fun reminiscing about the past but boy isn't it fun, huh, Fengmian!" Sanren said while nudging Jiang Fengmian with her elbows. " Perhaps you would like to hear of our adventures? I remembered that one time before your wedding we..." She was about to tell a story when she was interrupted by A-Li surprisingly.

" Perhaps, it is better to tell about your adventures with A- Xian madame Cangse." suggested A-Li with a polite smile.

" Ow, ofcourse" she replied with a slightly awkward smile.

Jiang Fengmian clearly saw it and of course tried to take her side.

" I would pretty much like to hear your take on what happened that day though A-Ren." he said with a smile.Clearly he couldn't see the apprehension that's growing from both of his children.Me? I've already expected this from my experiences in the past and the lessons I learned from my previous life has taught me to not care.

" Well we don't father! Perhaps if you want to reminisce you should do that in private or just the 2 of you like before instead of interrupting our conversation for it.Ah.. and madame Cangse I would really appreciate it if you took your hands off my father's hand as his wife is still in the room." said Jiang Cheng with clear anger in his eyes.

I was shocked of my children's protectiveness of me as I haven't experienced it before in my past life. I was frozen in place that I didn't notice Jiang Fengmian had stood up and banged his hand on the table that the food spilled all over. " Jiang Cheng!" he bellowed and well, as the saying goes…


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