Another Confrontation...?

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" Watch your word's son, A-Ren is a guest!" he said with the coldest tone I've ever heard from him. I was about to stand up for my son when A-Li intervened. "I think it's time we go to bed, it's been a long day." she said with a smile clearly minding Wuxian who looks really uncomfortable right now.

" I agree." I finally said. 

" Right, come on A-Ren, I'll take you to your quarters." said my, Jiang Fengmian said.

"Huh, typical!" said A-Cheng with a smirk.

" Fengmian, I think it's best if I just go there myself." she said while placing an arm on his chest to keep him from going to A-Cheng.

" No, I think we should resolve it here first." said Jiang Fengmian with a hard stare. I made my way to A-Cheng.

" A-Cheng!" I called while touching his arm.

" No, A-niang! He's right." he said while glaring at Jiang Fengmian with a cold gaze.

" I don't care if you treated me as a disappointment or you making it very clear who you want to be the heir." he said with a cold and even tone while briefly glancing at Wuxian. "And I'm okay in pretending to not know that you love another women than my mother, so much so you even decided to favour her child more than your own son, but don't you dare insult my mother with your action at least wait for the divorce." he continued,still glaring coldly at him. 

Before me or Jiang Fengmian could reply, he continued, "and you I would very much like it if you keep your distance from the sect leader in public so as to not insult my mother."

" Welp, me and Fengmian has been friends for years, Jiang gungzi, and I'm pretty sure I know if he's in love with me and if he is welp, looks like I missed the opportunity in becoming the madame of the Jiang sect, huh, Fengmian." she said while nudging him with her elbows and a quirky smile. " Just imagine me being all strict and cranky like master Lan and whipping the disciple to shape, though I would be shit in accounting though, hehe." she awkwardly said while scratching her head.Ofcourse the mother of Wuxian who is notorious in not being able to handle serious situations well just can't keep her mouth shut.

A-Cheng coldly smirked and said in an even tone, "Well, be sure to study than madame Sanren as you'll be one soon enough, I hope you're both happy with each other, though if you hurt a-nian in anyway, you'll be answering to me." 

After he  said that, he stormed out of the room leaving behind a seething Jiang Fengmian behind.

" See, this is why I'm reluctant to give him the title of sect heir. That temper of his..." Jiang Fengmian sighed, shaking his head and that finally made me come out of my daze.

I looked at him intently with a glare. " Wuxian, please take your mother to her quarters." I said to Wuxian with a curt smile.

" Yes, madam Yu." he said, then went to his mother, took her arm and led her out the door. 

"A-Li, go check on A-Cheng, please!" I asked A-li who instantly nodded her head and left the room.

" Yes, A-niang!" she said and then she walked out the door.

"He will be a great sect leader, do not insult and belittle him like that." I said with a cold tone.

"Of Course your on his side, he's like the spitting image of his mother." Jiang Fengmian replied with an even tone while taking a seat again and rubbing his forehead.

" And what is so wrong with that,my lord?" I asked with a raised eyebrow while taking a seat myself.

" You don't get do you,my lady, he's unbending, stiff like wood, he would never understand that to do our motto, you need to be like a bamboo, flexible that it could go wherever direction the wind blows but strong that it wouldn't snap, he should be as calm as the lake and follow his heart like a steady stream. Ever since his childhood he doesn't possess those values. His brash, can't control his emotions, can't compromise.How can I intrust this sect to him?" He listed out calmly as if he’s been thinking about these facts for a long time.

And that's when it hit me. He never noticed A- Cheng because he never believed in him in the first place.He got so lost in his own little world and too distracted in seeing my 'flaws' as he said that he couldn't see how amazing his son is. He was so preoccupied in raising another's son that he didn't see the gem that is his son, no, my son.

" You fool," I whispered,a blank face plastered on my face as I'm too tired to even be angry right now. " You're too blind to see it, don't you? A- Cheng's maybe short tempered and strict as you said but he has many other good qualities in him that overshadow those flaws." I continued.

"My lady..." he tried to say.

"No, let me finish!" I screeched as my patience for this fool has finally been spent.

"He is so kind and honorable that he helped refugees from the Wen's to settle in Yunmeng and even gave money from his own pocket to help them.Did you know that?" I asked.

He was about to reply but interrupted him.

"Of Course you don't, you're too busy praising Wuxian for his contributions in taking some of A-Cheng's duties which A- Cheng asked him to do so that he could help the Wens. Not to mention he also helped the Wen siblings to create a new sect in the suburbs that focuses on healing." I said again. I looked at his face to see his expression which was unsurprisingly of surprise.

I smirked. " My son's also helped out our struggling disciples each week. You know when he always disappears every sunday? It's because he always gives extra lessons to those that need it but he does it in secret as to not embarrass them to the others."

" Also he always trains harder than anyone so that he could protect those he love.My son is a great, smart, caring, honorable young man that could make any parent proud to have as their son and their heir. Everyone else sees this, even the elders and the disciples both from our sect or from others.Why can't you Jiang Fengmian?” I stood up and slammed my hands on the table,looking at him intently.

I didn't realize I was crying until he offered me his handkerchief which I slapped away. I don't need his pity.

" I didn't know," he whispered.

" Of Course you don't, you're too preoccupied with her and her son to even notice this." I admonished. Gods after all these years, he still hasn't changed.

"Don't bring her into this." he said with a warning tone.

" Oh, I wouldn't dare." I retorted mockingly and made my way to the door.

 " Good night,my lord!" I excused myself.

" ah, one more thing, the divorce papers have already been made and signed by me, they will be delivered to your office by tomorrow morning." I told him while touching the door frame. After that I left the room leaving him speechless then made my way slowly to my quarters.

I was about to sleep when I heard a hesitant knock on my door. "Come in!" I called and the door slid open to reveal a nervous and awkward Wuxian standing in the corner of my room.

I sat down on my bed and gestured for Wuxian to take a seat." I believe you came here to ask about your mother?" I inquired after he took a seat. 

He merely nodded.

" Well, it's going to be a long story." 

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