Wedding Day

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Yu Ziyuan POV

Today is finally the day my precious daughter gets married. Right now, Im in my daughters room, helping her to get dressed.

"A-Niang, what do you think? Do you think hes going to like it?" A-li asked, worriedly. "What if he thinks its ugly?"

"You are the most beautiful woman in the world, my sweet A-Li," I murmur, an approving smile on my face as I nod at her. "And Jin Zixuan is one lucky bastard."

I beam, taking her hand in mine and caressing her head as I used to when she was a child. "My darling A-Li you've grown so much. Why! You hardly need this old woman anymore!"

"Nonsense!" A-Li admonished, shaking her head immediately. "A-Niang, do you think you can stay for a while after the wedding?" A-li asked, a hopeful look on her face as she gazed at me expectantly.

"I would love to A-li, but dont you think you would be a little busy with your husband? Especially on your honeymoon?" I chuckled with a little smirk on my face.

"A-Niang!" A-li cried, face flushing a bright red. "Dont say that!"

"Alright, alright! I'll stop!" I cry, an amused glint in my eyes.

"A-Niang do you think he'll be alright?" A-Li asked, a thoughtful look on her face as she tilted her head, pondering.


"A-cheng. I'm worried about him," A-li muttered, looking at me with a slight frown on her face.

I frowned. "What's wrong with A-cheng?" I asked.

"I dont know, he's been off ever since the war. At first, I thought it's because he's been through a lot- with the war and all. But now I've noticed that he's been acting weird whenever Zewujun and his sworn brothers are around."

"Sworn brothers?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh yes! After you left, we got word that the three of them sworn brotherhood at Koi Tower! Together they became the venerated triad, heroes of the war." she said.

"And they didn't bother to ask my son? I bellowed, a thunderous scowl on my face. He contributed to the war too, you know? And with that- they have singled Yunmeng Jiang out!" I screeched.

"Yes, but I kind of got the feeling A-cheng was actually relieved when he found out he didn't have anything to do with it," A-li murmured, sighing.

I looked at my worried daughter for a while. "A-li, this your wedding day. I think you are allowed to enjoy it without worrying about your brother, I said, squeezing her hands in mine. I think your brother can take care of himself without you worrying about him for a day."I continued with a smile.

"You're right A-Niang!" she conceded.

"That's my girl. Now, lets get out there and make your fiance squirm for the last time," I chuckled.

"Oh, so you wont make him squirm in the future?" A-li snorted.

"Of course I will! It's just I wouldn't be making my daughter's fiance squirm, I'll be making my son-in-law squirm," I shot back with a laugh.

"Alright, lets not keep them waiting then," I said, helping her up and covering her face with the vail. "I'm proud of you my daughter. You have grown to be a kind and strong young woman and I have no doubt you're going to be a great second in command and mother someday." I added, holding my tears back as it finally hit me that my only daughter has finally grown up and is going to build a family of her own.

I led her to the new sedan that was ordered as the old one was destroyed by Lan Qiren. And I help A-li into her seat, making my way to the great hall with my sword.

Of course, not before threatening the two knuckleheads that were going to escort my daughter- to be on their best behavior. Which included no making fun of the groom. They begrudgingly agreed after I gave them a death stare.

I chuckled, weaving my way through the crowd.

After I arrived, I was escorted to my seat by the disciples that were nearby. I walked to my seat beside him and waited.

After an hour, the sedan finally arrived, and in came A-li. Beside her, Jin Zixuan held her hand. They walked into the hall together and kneeled before Qingxue, who was the officiator of the wedding- as acting sect leader of the Lanling Jin sect. After they made their vows and kowtowed to their ancestors, they made their way to us with Qingxue taking the lead. After Qingxue stood beside us, they kowtowed to us and then to each other. After that, they were escorted to their new bad chamber and we entertained the guests.

After hours of talking and accepting congratulations from other sect leaders as well as elders, the party was finally over and I decided to take a stroll around the garden. I closed my eyes and walked slowly around the garden, I breathed in the fresh air and let go of my burden for a while. I kept walking until I knocked into something hard. I opened my eyes and I saw Qingheng-jun smiling down at me with a worried smile.

"Are you okay, Madame Yu?"he asked me,putting his hands on my shoulders and looking into my eyes.

"I'm fine! I replied with a smile, Just taking a nice stroll around the garden," I continued, looking around me.

"Well, perhaps you should keep your eyes open when you walk, lest you bump into something you dont like," he said with a chuckle.

"Who said I didn't like the one I bumped into?" I smirked, raising my eyebrows.

"Well then are you planning to bump into me every time you take a walk?" he bantered.

"Why, of course, I would! Because it would be your job to escort me back when I do," I quipped with a smile.

"Ah, then I have no choice! After you, my lady!" he chuckled, bowing exaggeratedly with his right arm wide open. I laughed and pushed past him in the direction of my quarters. He walked beside me and we bantered back and forth (which consisted of me holding back a laugh and him smiling in amusement with a slight chuckle from time to time).

We kept walking until we heard shouting from the childrens side of the guest quarters. We looked at each other for a while and decided to walk over there and see whats going on. "Weiying!" Hanguang-jun called, with a rare frown on his face.

"Lan Zhan!" Wuxian called back while crossing arms.

"A-cheng!" Zewujun pleaded, with a pained look on his face.

"I have nothing left to talk to you about!" A-cheng snarked.

"Er-ge, it's clear he doesn't want to talk right now, perhaps we should go back!" said Jin Guangyao, is it?

"He's right Xichen, perhaps we should talk about it more tomorrow," Nie Mingjue murmured with a frown.

"No, you wont because, after that story, you are not coming near my brother ever again! Consider yourself lucky that I still have respect for your brother otherwise we would be dueling right now rather than talking about this," said Wuxian menacingly.

"Young master Wei, I..." Zewujun tried to step towards A-cheng and that's when Wuxian drew suibian and drew it toward him. Thing's escalated quickly after that and everyone drew their sword out except for the first jade who was looking pained right now.

That's when we decided it's time to intervene.

"What is the meaning of this?" we both shouted in unison.


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