Matters of the Heart

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Jiang Fengmian POV

After a long lengthy debate, they have finally conceded in letting the cultivators from the 4 great sects to inquire about the cultivators that killed the Wens and after months of coordination,we have taken them all into custody.

I took a deep breath,enjoying the fresh night air of Yunmeng on my way to see her.

I stepped into her courtyard and found her looking at the stars while sipping her tea. The cool breeze whisks the loose strands of her hair that’s framing her beautiful face.

I found right that instant that I’ve fallen in love with her all over again and I found that each day that I spend time with this beautiful,perfect creature such would be my fate,to fall in love every day again and again for the rest of my days.

And I would gladly accept it with open arms.

After the day, we talked at the Cold Springs, we had in a way, made our relationship anew.

Sanren has left, yesterday, as we have captured the perpetrators that killed her grandson’s family and considering Wuxian has a family of his own now, she doesn’t seem to find any other reason to stay at Yunmeng and neither could I.

So,we both said our goodbyes with her saying that she’ll visit me every few months and her all but threatening me to never let her go again which I wholeheartedly agreed too.

Not like I have any other reminder. I am never letting this woman go ever again.

“My lady,” I greeted finally after drinking  the sight of her in.

“Fengmian, I was just about to come and see you,actually!” she called me, which made me smile. As it took quite a while and coercion on my part to make her stop calling me sect leader  Jiang.

“I was wondering if you would like to accompany me for a walk around Yunmeng tomorrow,” I asked her.

She smiled. “Well, it would be hard considering I’m going to go,tomorrow,”

And that’s when my whole world fell apart.

“When..why...where?” I blurted out like a fool.

“At noon, where… I still don’t know,maybe to Qinghe as I haven’t been there often,” she replied smiling, looking at my face.

“As to why…” she continued.

I looked at her both expectantly and worriedly.

“Well, I don’t see any reason to stay here and I’ve stayed way longer than expected anyways,”she said, putting her cup down.

“You are welcome to stay…”I started but she cut me off.

“I know that!” she said.

“But Fengmian, you don’t expect me to stay here forever do you, after all, I have no obligations or duties left here. A-Cheng is a strong cultivator and already has all the knowledge to be a great sect leader someday, there is nothing more that I could teach him,” she continued, unintentionally stabbing me in the chest multiple times in a row.

“What about the sect, what about…” I was about to say me, but I caught myself. Reminding myself that I have no right to put me off all things as her concern.

“I think the sect has survived long enough without me and with A-Cheng and you leading it, I have no doubt that it will flourish into a greater sect one day,” she said.

“Isn’t there anything else that would keep you here,my lady?” I asked her,pain and anxiety leaking from me when I said this question.

She looked at me for a long while,knowing what was implied in that question.

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