Turning Point

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They all looked at us with a surprised look on their faces. "Lianfang-jun, I would very much like you to get your sword away from my son's neck! The same goes to you too, sect leader nie, please refrain from putting your saber on Wuxian's neck!" I said with a cold tone.

"And you two! Stop acting like children and put your weapons down now!" I bellowed, crossing my arms in front of me. They both looked at each other and slowly put their weapons down.

"Wangji, you put it down now!" Qingheng-jun scolded from beside me. Wangji looked down but still put the sword under Nie Mingjue's neck.

My temper was already frayed from all the entertaining I had to do. Seeing Hanguang-jun act in such blatant disrespect pissed me off.

"Ok, that's it! Everyone put your swords down now!" I roared. Dimly, I could feel Xuanyuan crackling around my hand. I could tell they could see it too, as they all slowly put their weapons down.

"Good, now, can someone please explain to me why you're all swinging your blades on each other?" I said evenly, shooting a hard gaze at each of them.

"A-Niang," A-cheng started.

"Don't you dare try to get out of this one, young man! Your sister is worried about you and now so am I!" I interrupted, glaring at him.

"Now, the three zuns over here are going to tell me what's going on here or I swear to gods, you all are going to regret it!" I crossed my arms and took a few steps towards them.

"Madame Yu, we were simply discussing with Jiang gongzi and things got heated," explained Jin Guangyao, a tight smile on his face.

"Oh really? And what discussion were you talking about?" I asked quizzically. "I dont..."

"They were trying to recruit Jiang Cheng to be their sworn brother as well but A-cheng declined," interrupted Wuxian.

"And?" I prodded. "Zewujun said'' continued Wuxian, scratching his head awkwardly. "He said he wanted Jiang Cheng back and A-cheng said he doesn't want anything to do with him," he finally blurted out.

We both looked at each other and sighed. Right, of course, it was because of that. I opened my mouth to say something when I heard a voice from behind me. "What is going on here?" asked Jiang Fengmian, walking towards us with Sanren in tow.

"A-xian?" asked Sanren, frowning.

Wuxian tried to speak but was interrupted by A-cheng, "I don't see how this is any of your business madame Cangse?" snarked A-cheng.

"Well, it involves my son, Jiang gongzi, I believe I have a right to know," she replied with a tight smile.

"Well, it doesn't, so you can go back now with A-die," said A-cheng with a cold tone.

They both looked at all of them for a while and realization came to Jiang Fengmian. His eyes widened for a moment before he broke out into a grin and smiled at both Zewujun and A-cheng.

"I'm probably the last person that is qualified to give you this advice. But don't give up. Fight for each other, and that's the only way your love can bloom," he advised with a smile and then he shot a quick glance at me.

"Come on, A-ren!" he said, turning back around and walking away.

"Couldn't agree more, he couldnt even see the woman he loves until she leaves him," muttered A-cheng disdainfully.

"Weiying," called Wangji after a pause. "Yeah?" asked Wuxian, looking at him. "Marry me?" asked Wangji and we all froze in our spot.

WHAT IN THE WORLD?? I did not expect that. "Sect leader Jiang is right, we should fight for our love. And with what brother and Jiang gong zi has told us- you are my other half, my life partner... so marry me?" asked Hanguang-jun again while looking intently at Wuxian.

"Lan Zhan- I" he started.


"Okay," he finally said after a long moment of them staring at each other's eyes.

"Well then, Madame Yu. It seems the Yunmeng Jiang sect and the Gusu Lan sect is going to have a very tight relationship indeed," joked Qingheng-jun, looking at me with an amused smile.

"Of course, and don't forget we still have that bet about master Lan," I whispered with a chuckle.

"What bet?" they asked. It seems they still heard our conversation.

"A-Niang, you knew this was going to happen?" asked A-cheng.

"Didn't you? He gave him his forehead ribbon for crying out loud," I chortled.

"It was for a distraction," said Wuxian with a blush.

"Distraction? Really? There are a lot of thing's you can do for a distraction besides that, like just having a fistfight, or faking an injury, but you just have to take the ribbon and of course make out in the process," I smirked.

"Ah, but we have to commend them for their distraction still, madame. After all, it is a very innovative way of telling everyone they are exclusive- especially my son that staked his claim on master Wei without him even noticing," added Qingheng-jun with a chuckle.

"Claim?" asked Wuxian, tilting his head in confusion, "Lan Zhan?" he looked at Hanguang-jun with an inquiring look.

Hanguang-jun looked away with his ears turning red.

"This is why you should listen in class Wei Wuxian!" sighed A-cheng exasperatedly. "You know the Lans forehead ribbon?"

"Yeah, you told me remember? It's for either spouse or family correct?" asked Wuxian quizzically.

"Yes, but how do you think Lans propose to their spouses dumb ass?" asked A-cheng, clearly getting annoyed by his sworn brother's denseness.

"They ask them to marry them?" asked Wuxian confusedly. "Yes, but how?" snapped A-cheng.

"Hmm, well, ohhh!" Wuxian finally murmured, his eyes widening as realization dawned on him. "Lan Zhan, you"

Hanguangjun turned even redder than before and he looked away from Wuxians astonished gaze. "I'm sorry." he quietly said and then Wuxian burst out laughing.

"Lan Zhan, you're brazen enough to claim me without my knowledge and now you couldn't even look me in the eyes? Lan Zhan...look at me" demanded Wuxian while running around Hanguang-jun and poking him to get his attention.

"Seriously, why do you think Zewujun was a little apprehensive when Hanguang-jun suggested the forehead ribbon and all of us were surprised he even asked and you accepted," grumbled A-cheng,looking at his sworn brother while shaking his head.

"Okay, okay, I think this has been an eventful day! I think we should all get some rest!" I said finally.

After that we all went back into our quarters and when I finally went to my room. Closing my eyes, I drifted into a dreamless slumber.


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