Attack of the Sects (part 1)

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Wei Wuxian's POV

Wei Wuxian's POV

After we had that meeting, we all went to our designated room and tried to have as much sleep as we could. Right now, I'm lying in bed thinking about Jiang Cheng and the first jade.Damn, I don't know who is more oblivious to the first jade or Jiang Cheng himself, I'm betting on the letter.Anyway Lan Zhan is... 



Whatever it's for the greater good anyways so I do hope he won't hold it against me. I burst out laughing when I heard that thought. Like Lan Zhan would want to marry me. 

And I fell asleep with that thought running through my head.The next day I woke up with someone banging at my door.

"Hey wake up Wei Wuxian, it's time!!." whisper-shouted the peacock outside my room.

Gosh if we weren't on a mission today, I would've kicked and slammed the door on his face.

" Yeah, coming!" I said and went out of the bed.

" What took you so long?" asked the peacock with an annoyed frown.

" Aww, did you miss me?" I retorted back with a teasing voice and a smirk.

" Why youu..." he tried to say but was interrupted by Huisang.

" Aiyoo, enough already we will have enough fighting for today." He said while covering his face with a fan.

" Fine." we both said begrudgingly.

I looked around me, " where's Lan Zhan?" I asked, confused.

" He went ahead first to avoid suspicion." whispered Huisang.

" Well alright then, let's get going!" I said while slinging my arms around Huisang.

We worked for an entire hour in the fields apparently searching for a secret cave or something until the peacock gave me the signal to go ahead.I looked around and saw Lan Zhan squatting at the nearby river. 

I nodded my head at the peacock and went towards Lan Zhan. " Lan Zhann... do you miss me?" I yelled aloud as to draw a lot of attention towards me. Lan Zhan as always just looked at me for a moment and resumed looking at the clear river 'searching' for something. 

" Aiyoo, don't ignore mee. You know Jiang Cheng got injured, now I have no friend to talk too." I exclaimed, throwing myself shamelessly I might add to him. He just pushed me away and stood. 

" Pathetic." He said while turning away from me and walking towards the herd of people looking at us curiously. 

I took this as my chance.I ran up to him and tugged at his forehead ribbon until it's in my hands which made him stop dead in his tracks.

He turned around slowly with a death glare which would make me feel nervous if I didn't know it was just all an act.

" Hehehe." I laughed nervously, to keep on the act.

" Now you've finally noticed me!" I cried out with a big grin and he just looked at me with murderous eyes.

" Oh, come on Lan Zhan don't be mad!What's so special about this forehead ribbon anyways? Here how about we trade as I pulled my hair ribbon out and tied my now loose hair with his forehead ribbon and gave the hair ribbon to him.

He looked at it for a moment and then looked at me and looked at me again.This went on for a while and he gave me code with his eyes and started attacking me. I ran around the circle of people screaming nonsense while he kept trying to kick or punch me.

I heard the guards coming to break us up but was stopped by Wen Chao." Let them have their fun. After all I am a gentleman and I know how important the Lan Sect's ribbons are to the Lans.Let him avenge himself after all it's not everyday that I could see a spectacle like this." He said while pulling that girl with a whip towards him while we kept 'fighting'. We kept on fighting for 1 hour straight and I could tell they were starting to get bored and the guards, particularly Wen Zhuliu, was starting to notice something and I could tell Lan Zhan was starting to notice that too.

I was about to pretend to pass out to attract more attention when Lan Zhan pulled me towards me and I could feel something warm against my lips.

I was frozen in place and looked him in the eye when he... kissed me??


I did not expect that.We broke apart from our 'kiss' and I could tell it worked to distract EVERYONE including me, but I could tell that Wen Zhuliu is still looking around even though I know he was as shocked as everyone else was so I did the only thing I could think of.

I slapped Lan Zhan on the cheek and then pulled his robes towards me and kissed him back.

Welp, if this masterpiece of a drama doesn't distract them from what's happening I don't know what will.

We kissed or made out for a few more minutes which felt like hours until we heard a shout from a guard.

" Warning!! There's an attack at the front gate and the kitchen area ( which was where the other group that was led by mian mian are)!" He screamed towards Wen Chao.

"What??" screamed Wen Chao.He grabbed the guards by his collar, " by who?" He bellowed,panic and anger was written all over his face.

" Ththe eennntire ssect of the ccultivation wworld." the guard stuttered out.

After we heard that me and Lan Zhan broke apart from our kiss and nodded at each other. " Attack!" I yelled and the other cultivators quickly took out their shovels, sticks, or whatever it is they could find and started to attack the guards and take their swords from them and pass them to each other. 

Me and Lan Zhan looked at each other and did exactly the same thing and started attacking them. Wen Chao, his mistress, and Wen Zhuliu ran away from the scene.


We fought our way towards them but we were starting to get overwhelmed until we heard mian mian's voice shouting, " over here!". Soon we could see that she and the other cultivators started to come and overwhelmed the Wen cultivators. 

She went towards us and saluted. " Master Wei, Lan er gungzi.We have safely brought all of the cultivators on our side." she reported.

" Where's madame Yu?" I asked.

"Judging from the firework signal, she's already inside the sect and is on her way here with Jin gong zi and Nie gong zi." She answered, a relieved smile painting her face.

I grinned back at her while Lan Zhan just nodded." Master Wei, do you want to go after Wen Chao and his cohorts? We can handle it here." she offered.

" Nah, if madame Yu is coming here then they probably are on their way and I for one am not going to miss watching what madame Yu is going to do to them." I smirked.

She laughed and smirked back, " Same here!" 

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