'Relaxation' in the Peacock's Den

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After the whole Lan Qiren debacle, me and Qingheng-jun are spending more time together. Who would have thought that a Lan could have the same sense of snarky sense of humor like I do. Right now we are talking about our son's 'dramatically romantic' encounter as Qingheng-jun put it while having tea at the guest courtyard that I resided in.

"I do believe they are not the only Jiang-Lan 'romantic' entanglement." I smirked.

"Oh, and do tell who are the other ones?"he inquired with a raised eyebrow while leaning forward gracefully like a typical Lan should. I rolled my eyes at this and he smirked. 

"Graceful?"he guessed with a laugh.

"Shut up," I said while pushing him lightly on the shoulders.

"So, who are they, the romantic couple?"he asked again,a bemused smile painted on his face.

" Yunmeng Jiang's first disciple and Hanguan jun," I answered simply and drank my tea. He leaned back and sipped his tea as well.

 "I was under the impression they were just friends." he murmured, confused.

"That depends..." I replied.

"Depends on what, madame Yu?"he asked me with a polite smile and a slightly teasing tone. 

"Do friends kiss each other?" I sarcastically asked and he choked on his tea. I chuckled while walking up to his seat and patting him on the back.

"When did they...kiss?"he whizzed.

 "When we were raiding the Wens, the other disciples told me, some of them believe that they kissed only for a distraction but come on, there's got to be something else they could've done for 'distracting'" I answered,trying to hold my laughter. I walked back to my chair when I made sure he was fine.

"Ow, and did I mention Wuxian took his forehead ribbon?"I added with a bemused smile looking at his awestruck face as Lans don't usually show any reaction other than a calm smile.

"A-cheng told me it was for the ‘distraction’ but we both know a Lans' forehead ribbon is too sacred to only be used for a distraction under any circumstances." I laughed.

After a long pause on his part and me looking at him while chuckling once in a while, he got back on his senses and sipped his tea calmly, "Well then, I believe the Lan and Jiang sect are up for a very close relationship."

"Ofcourse, that is if Zewujun's able to catch A-cheng, we Yu's are very stubborn people and many people say A-cheng takes after me alot." I said while sipping my tea.

He chuckled, "That is true"

"Though, Qiren is going to have a heart attack when he finds out about them."said Qingheng-jun with a tight smile. 

I scoffed and said, " 50 yuan says he's going to spit out blood when he hears about it."

He smiled, "Deal"he bantered back.

 We changed the subject and talked until it was evening. We walked together to the dining hall as we are having dinner together with family and close friends as tomorrow is the day of the wedding. 

When we arrived at the dining hall, everyone was already seated including a  still cranky Lan Qiren for what happened 2 weeks ago which is kind of the reason why the wedding was postponed for a week as it was planned to happen a week ago. Apparently, a drunk Lan Qiren decided it wasn't fair to have a wedding without him getting married first so he went to the sedan where A-li was supposed to be carried in and took it to the rooftop at the disciple's quarters where he hid with it.

Unfortunately, after Fengmian and Qingxue found him they struggled but the sedan fell off the roof and got utterly destroyed when he decided it would be fun to keep destroying it with his Guqin. Fengmian and Qingxue had to let him  have his fun destroying the sedan chair to sneak up on him and make him unconscious.

Of Course that's not the most embarrassing thing that happened to him that night as it made a ruckus which caused the disciples to come out to see the most respectable teacher in the cultivation world drunkenly yelling at the top of his lungs that it wasn't fair that he couldn't get married first and that he was very lonely while destroying an already destroyed sedan chair.

I chuckled quietly but was still heard by master Lan who looked at me pointedly. I think he almost fainted when we told him what happened that night as we found out that he didn't remember anything.  We both took our seats at the table and as it's an informal gathering, we both just took a seat next to each other. 

"Good evening everyone." We both greeted everyone while giving a salute and sat down on the chair.

"So a-nian, what have you been doing with Qingheng-jun these past 2 weeks?"asked A-li with a smile. We both looked at each other and smiled.

"Drinking tea."I answered mysteriously.

 "While having great conversations, Jiang gunian,"he added with a polite smile.

A-li just looked at us both with a knowing smile which made me raise an eyebrow. I think there must be a misunderstanding here... Anyways we had dinner together and talked about various things and also drank a few alcohols and tea's that were made sure to be teas for the Lans as to avoid any other 'incidents' .

I frowned slightly when Fengmian didn't really got into the conversation and just  drank alcohol without saying anything unless he has to.SERIOUSLY, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT MAN? DRINKING AND BEING A COLD HARD ASS AND GETTING DRUNK ON THE DAY OF HIS DAUGHTER'S WEDDING?

I took a deep breath and sighed. This is not a problem anymore Ziyuan!You have no right reprimanding him anymore. Well, atleast he didn't do anything stupid. So we went through dinner and after that I walked back to my quarters. I was about to go to bed when I heard banging on my door. I took out my new whip, Xuanyuan  and  the door opened only to be greeted by a drunk Jiang Fengmian sprawled on the ground.

I frowned, turned Xuanyuan back into a ring and walked to him who was sloppily  getting up from the floor. "I think you came to the wrong quarters, sect leader Jiang," I said coldly while leaning on the door frame.

"I suggest you go back to your quarters." I continued after he just stood there and looked at me with a dazed look on his face without saying anything for a while.

I turned around and went back to my room when a hand grabbed my wrists and pulled me to its owner. Faintly, I could smell the alcohol from his breath as we were so close I could feel his chest rising and falling. I looked at him with a glare and tried to wrench my arm off his grip but he just held my wrist tighter. I was about to yell at him to let go only to be surprised to what he said next,

"Do you really not love me anymore, my lady?"

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