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October 30th, 2020

Rex sat down next to me at lunch, I smiled at him.

"Hey hun," he smiled and kissed my cheek. I pushed him off of me gently.

"What?" He asked looking at me curiously.

"I can't look like a pussy," I groaned.

"So showing emotion," he paused, "Whatever Eli."

"It's Hawk," I sighed shaking my head. Rex rolled his eyes and took his water bottle out of his backpack.

"So what're you guys wearing to the Halloween bash?" Miguel asked breaking the tension.

"Well me and Eli are going as Cosmo and Wanda. Or are we still doing that?" Rex started to get passive-aggressive and looked at me.

"What's your deal?" I looked at him.

"Uh, what's my deal? You're the one who won't show any other emotion than like anger." He snapped.

"I'm sick of getting bullied!" I snapped back at him.

"Whatever are we still on for Halloween?" he rolled his eyes picking at the strawberries.

"Yeah," I sighed turning back to my lunch.

"Anyways," Demetri rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm going as the Necromancer."

"Deadpool," Miguel said.

"Cool!" Demetri smiled.

"Quit being such a nerd," I said looking at him.

"Don't be such a dick Eli," Rex sighed packing up his lunch as lunch was almost over.

I walked into the dojo and changed into my gi before sitting down with Miguel to stretch.

"So what's going on with you and Rex," he asked stretching.

"I think he's just not liking my new outlook on life," I explained.

"It might be more than that man, you push him off all the time." He sighed.

"He just doesn't get it," I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever bud if you want to keep him around you better start treating him better." Miguel looked at me.

I finished spraying on the crappy pink hair color spray on my hair.
"I just finished our crowns," Rex came into my bathroom with the yellow paper crowns he made for our costume.

"Yay," I giggled placing it on my Mohawk so it'd stay. 
Rex placed his on his head and used hairpins so it'd stay in.

"I think you look pretty good Wanda," he giggled and kissed my cheek. I blushed and smiled taking his hands.

"Well you look good Cosmo," I smiled back.

Rex stumbled into me and giggled. "What's up?" I looked at him putting my arm around him.

"You know...the liquor you have," he giggled leaning into me.

"Okay, you can stand." I pushed him off of me gently. Rex whined and pouted, "Babe come on."

"Do you have to be a dick right now?" He whispers yelled.

"I can't look like I went soft," I said sternly.

"Mm whatever," he wandered off.

"Eli," Demetri walked over.

"What!" I snapped at him quietly.

"You have to stop with this!" Demetri sighed.

"It's none of your fucking business Demetri!" I yelled at him.

"Whatever man," he walked away joining Rex and Miguel on the dance floor. I took the flask out of my jean pocket and took a long drink before putting it away so the teachers didn't see.

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