
992 17 2

December 1st, 2020

I can't believe I was actually at the high school basketball game. This shit was for the people that gave a shit about high school or peaking in high school.
Miguel cheered as we won a point? I don't know a single thing about sports. I looked over at the other student section and saw Rex and Demetri cheering on the team.
I didn't want to admit it but I missed him so much. The way he held me when I used to cry, god I used to be such a baby. I bit my lip as I could feel my eyes soften.

"Hey, are you good?" Miguel nudged me.

"Oh yeah totally," I smiled looking at him.

"Do you wanna go? Get some pizza, I could ask my mom if you could spend the night?" He suggested.

"If you want," I shrugged and looked down.

"Sure," he stood up and I followed him down the bleachers. I looked over at Rex and we made eye contact for a split second. I sighed and looked back down as we walked out to the car. I got to the passenger's side and started scrolling through pictures of me and Rex. We were so cute together.

"Eli.." Miguel sighed and grabbed my phone from my hands, "You gotta delete these."

"Yeah I know," I sighed and leaned my head on the back of the seat.
We got to Miguel's house and we both got out and walked to the door. He fiddled with his keys till he had the house key and unlocked the door.
Sensei Lawerence and Ms. Diaz we're watching a movie.

"Hey mom, is it cool if Eli spends the night?" He asked taking his jacket off.

"Sure," she smiled. I followed Miguel down to his room. I laid on his bed and whined slightly.

"What," Miguel rolled his eyes closing the door behind him.

"I miss Rex so much," I whined and rubbed my eyes.

"Oh my god, Eli you gotta get over him." He shook his head sitting down next to him.
I took my shirt off exposing the tattoo with his name in a heart.
"You didn't!" Miguel started laughing. I whined and put my head in my hands in embarrassment.

"I got it a few months ago," I giggled and stretched my arms up and looked at him.

"Does he know!?" He laughed rolling onto his back.

"Yeah! Stop laughing it's not that funny!" I nudged him and pushed him off the bed.
Was it really that embarrassing?

A/N: I haven't updated in awhile due to lack of inspiration so I'll go off my updating schedule and give y'all this.

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