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November 19th, 2020

I came home and kicked my shoes off and slung my backpack onto the floor.
"Hey Eli," my mom called from the kitchen.

"Hey Momma," I came into the kitchen sitting down at the table.

"I haven't seen Rex or Demetri around in awhile, is everything okay?" She asked setting down the cut up vegetables in front of me. She sat across from me at the table.

"Yeah everything's okay I've just been busy with Cobra Kai," I nodded and picked up a carrot.

"Well are you gonna invite them to the tournament this weekend?" She asked.

"Oh yeah," I nodded picking up my phone.

Can you make Rex come to All Valley so my mom doesn't think anything is wrong.

Uh I'll try but he's pretty pissed at you...I'm not the happiest either you got us detention.

Please Demetri

I'll try. No promises.

"I'm gonna go do homework," I lied getting up walking to my room. I shut my door and opened my phone. Hovering my finger over the call button on Rex's contact. I sighed and called him bringing the phone to my ear. It rang a few times before he picked up.

"What Eli?" I could hear him rolling his eyes. He always had that tone when he did.

"I'm just I'm really sorry. I miss you so much," I sighed clenching my comforter with my free hand.

"Well considering what you did Monday I don't think you're ready to act mature." He sighed.

"You're the one who kicked me in the face," I rolled my eyes.

"You swept kicked Demetri and got in a fight with a bunch of my team mates." He huffed.

"You guys played into it," I ranted into the phone.

"Whatever, Eli I'd love to take you back but you're not acting how a boyfriend should. I love you Eli but I need to catch up on homework, bye." He hung up and sighed rubbing my eyes.
I called Miguel as a last resort.

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