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December 15th, 2020

   It was officially Miguel's birthday which meant all of us were going to dinner at Applebee's.
None of us liked it there but it was affordable for us. I got there and saw Rex and Demetri waiting outside.

"Hey guys," I nodded and stood next to Demetri. Rex and Demetri exchanged looks.

"Hey Eli," Demetri smiled. I nodded and sighed. But relieved as Miguel walked up.
We shared a hug, "Happy birthday my man!"

"Thanks, Hawk, let's go get a table. Aisha said she was gonna be late." Miguel nodded and we walked in.
Demetri slid into a booth next to Miguel and I watched Rex roll his eyes as we sat next to each other.
It felt like Rex and I were battling a war internally. I didn't know how to explain to him how using the Hawk to be a different person. A person I was so scared to be.

"Eli, what're you getting?" Miguel snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh sorry, just the boneless barbecue wings," I smiled up at the waitress. I hummed and looked back down at the table and picked at my nails.

"Demetri and I just had this killer Spider-Man movie marathon," Rex giggled taking a sip of his iced tea.

"And you didn't invite me?" Miguel brought his hand up to his chest and opened his mouth wide to act offended.

"We didn't know if you liked that kind of stuff!"Demetri giggled.

"I love Spider-Man," he smiled.

God, I missed doing those stupid movie-watching nights.

"Nerds," I sneered and took a sip of my water.

"Don't act like you don't melt over Marvel movies," Rex rolled his eyes and shot a look at me.

"Yeah Eli, you cried at the end of End Game," Demetri looked at me.

"Demetri stop," I snapped at him.

"Eli chill it's okay," Miguel sighed. I sighed and huffed sinking far into my seat. I didn't even know how to act around my friends anymore.

A/N: hey I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I'm always open to suggestions because I don't know what to do with this plot. Also, how would y'all feel if I made a one-shot book??? I've been thinking of making one.

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