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November 17th, 2020

    I sat in the lunchroom bouncing a soccer ball getting ready for the soccer intramurals at school. I watched Demetri carry in a huge lego volcano. He set it on the table, giggling at how cool it was.
No, it wasn't cool. Why was he being a pussy at school? Miguel and Rex sat down at the table with Demetri.

"Guys watch this," I looked at Burt and Aisha. I kicked the soccer ball at the lego volcano and watch it shatter. I smiled to myself as I watched Demetri gasp.

"What the hell Eli," Demetri yelled across the lunchroom.

"Oops," I shrugged Rex glared at me.
I giggled to myself and shook my head.

I jogged onto the field for the soccer game, Demetri ran up next to me.

"What?" I looked at him.

"You know he loved." Demetri nodded

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"You were dating the hottest guy in school and you just fucked it up!"

I pushed him then leg swept him so he fell on his face. He whined and I kicked the ball into the net. My team cheering for me, I smiled looking around.

I watched as everyone went off fighting each other while playing. Next thing I know I got kicked in the face by Rex.
I gasped and grabbed my nose as it started bleeding. "What the fuck?" I sat up

"Everyone to my office!" The principal yelled.
Everyone filed into the school and down to the office. I stood on one side with Burt, Miguel, and some other kids from the dojo. While Rex and Demetri talked about something on the other side.

"Rafael and Eli in my office!" The principal came out opening the door. We both walked in and took seats at the desk.

"Was that necessary?" Rex whispered to me.

"Was it relevant to kick me in the face?" I held my sweatshirt to my nose.

"Boys!" She handed me the tissue box. I grabbed a clump of tissues and pushed them to my bloody nose.

"Eli started it, Ma'am," Rex pleaded.

"Demetri started it all!" I pointed at the door to where the rest of them were outside.

"Boys! Rafael go first." She rubbed her forehead.

"Eli pushed and swept kicked Demetri onto the field. Along with more of my teammates." He explained crossing one leg over the other and twisting his bracelets like he always did when he was nervous.

"Okay now Mr. Maskowitz," she looked at me.

"Yeah, but Rex's team was doing the same, he kicked me in the face!" I pointed at Rex.

"Okay detention for all of you for two weeks, Moskowitz to the nurses' office and Mr. Greene get to class." Rex and I got up leaving. I stormed to the nurses' office and had a seat by the nurses' desk.

A/N: please please pleaseeee check out my Eli X Demetri fan fiction called Lover! It'd mean a lot to me! Vote and comment!

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