
921 18 0

December 3rd, 2020

I sat next to Miguel just as the bell rang. I got my chemistry binder out and set it on the desktop.
"Good morning class, just as quarter two is starting we'll assign lab partners for the semester." She cleared her throat and flipped to her list. I sighed and looked at Miguel hoping we would be put together.
She started reading off the list and I groaned internally as Miguel was assigned with another person.
"Eli and Rex," the teacher called out. My eyes went wide and I bit my lip as we shot a glance at each other. I watched as he rolled his eyes and shoved his stuff into his backpack.
I started to rub my knuckles with my fingers and got all fidgety. The teacher said to get in our groups and Miguel walked off and Rex walked over.

"Oh uh hey," I smiled at him as he came over.

"None of this small talk let's just do our work," he grumbled and threw his bag down and sat next to me. I sighed and rubbed my forehead, this was gonna be a long semester.

I sat at lunch and picked at the shitty school pizza. I sighed as I watched my friends talk. I hated that Rex and I were in the same friend group. Because that just meant awkward lunches.
"So who'd you guys get for lab partners?" Sam asked looking at us.

"I'm with Bert," Miguel nodded and took a bite of the pizza.

"Me and Rex are partners," I smiled looking at her. She exchanged looks with Miguel.

"I guess it could've been a worse partner," Rex smiled.

"Yeah I'm with Kyler," Demetri rolled his eyes.

"If he tries anything just know I got your back," I looked at Demetri.

"We don't want any repeats of school fights," Rex sighed looking at me.
God, he could be so cold.

A/N: I'm sorry I've been late to updating!!! Vote and comment pleaseeeee!!!!!

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