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November 12th, 2020

     Rex dropped my hands and looked at me. "Okay, what hun?" I asked.

"Eli...I love this," and touched my Mohawk, "and this." He touched the newfound muscles on my arms and abs.
"And of course I really like you," he gently grazed his thumb over my lips. I blushed a deep red, "But I don't think I can be with you if you're gonna keep acting like an asshole. I liked who you were before Cobra Kai."

"Rex," I grabbed his wrist and pointed to where his name was tattooed on my chest, "This means forever."

"It's over Eli, maybe change and I'll rethink." I watched him walk back in and grab his jacket and keys. I stood there still, I could feel the tears welling up. I couldn't cry, Crying was for pussy's.
Demetri opened the sliding door.

"What's up?..." he looked at me.

"He left me," I stared straight forward.


"It's Hawk!" I snapped and pushed past him as I grabbed my things and left. I got in my car and plugged my phone into the aux. I sighed as I felt the tears leaving my eyes as I drove home. I hadn't cried like this in months. Since the last time, I got beat the fuck up by Kyler. As much as I didn't want to admit Rex was my everything. We'd been together since freshman year. But I guess here was too new beginning.

   I sat on a log in the valley next to the fire as I watched Ayesha give Yasmine a front wedgy. Damn that must've hurt.
I took a long drink from the red cup before walking over to the keg. Rex was standing over there with Miguel and they were laughing about something. I started to turn around.

"No ones stopping you from getting beer," Miguel smiled grabbing the keg tap, "Give me your cup."

"You're right," I chuckled awkwardly and handed him the cup. I watched as Rex chugged whatever was in his cup and he walked away.

"So, you and Rafael?" He looked at me and nudged me.

"You know he doesn't like being called that," I sighed taking another drink.

"I know you guys broke up," Miguel turned to look at me, "Why don't you just give him some time?"

"Defeat doesn't exist," I mumbled squeezing my cup slightly.

"There's the attitude that pushed him away," he sighed.

"Yeah," I walked away. What could I do to impress him...? I looked around and saw Robby Keene.

A/N: should I space out my updates??? Because I have a lot of pre wrote chapters?? Vote and comment!

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