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      Percy was told by Chiron that the Hellhound would stay in Percy's cabin as his cabin was empty. That was a little problematic as the door was a little tight for Mrs. O'Leary. Once onside, he picked a bed near the back of the cabin. As he laid down, Mrs. O'Leary ran up to him looking like she wanted to lay on the bed with him. He imagined her smaller as a random thought when she suddenly shrank.

     Percy stayed up late talking to Mrs. O'Leary that night. He found out that he apparently ruled all Hellhounds for some reason that Mrs. O'Leary wouldn't tell him. That was why he could control her size and why she bowed to him.

     Once all his questions were answered they fell asleep.

     In Percy's dream, he found himself on a beach. The wind was going just barely under mach-1. Rain splattered against his face as he ran towards the ocean. Just on the edge where the water met the sand, there were two people in chitons fighting fist to fist.

     The wind got faster as Percy got closer to the fighting people. As he neared he was able to make out voices. "GIVE IT BACK!" The one in the blue chiton screamed. "I DIDN'T FUCKING TAKE THE BOLT!" The one in green screamed back. They sounded like toddlers fighting over a toy.

     "WOULD BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Percy screamed at the two in the same voice he used earlier at the creek while unfurling his wings. The two men stopped to look at the insignificant person to interrupt them. Until they saw the Heavenly light emitted from the wings of an angel. "YOU ARE GODS, PAGAN GODS SURE, BUT STILL GODS. SO FUCKING ACT LIKE IT!" Percy yelled. He didn't know how he knew they were gods, he just did.

     Just as the brothers were about to ask Percy questions, the dream changed. He watched as he saw the older Perseus once again. This time they seemed to be in a gray wasteland with a bunch of pillars made of Dark Gray, almost Black, pillars with doors embedded in them. Ash was falling from the sky in an eerie twist of snow.

     He watched as Perseus picked himself off from the floor. It seemed like this dream came right after the previous dream about Perseus ended. Perseus unfurled his wings. That made Percy get suspicious as the wings looked like a bigger version of his.

     Perseus flew up and somehow, Percy was able to follow. He watched as Perseus found a very tall spire that had a seat that looked more like a throne on top. He watched as Perseus sat on the throne, crossing his legs and resting his arms on the armrest.

     All of the doors opened at once and humanoid looking people with half of their faces looking like a zombie walked up to the bottom of the spire and kneeled. After millennia, the demons of Hell finally had a king.

     Percy woke up due to someone knocking on the door. He got up without disturbing Mrs. O'Leary and walked over to the door. Grover was there. "Come on man, you're going to miss breakfast. Percy sighed as another week of training had just begun.

     Over the course of this week, Percy got better at wielding a sword, no matter how unbalanced it was. He did manage to sneak a practice dummy into his cabin so he could train with Riptide, but he only did it at night.

     Ancient Greek with Annabeth pretty much stayed the same except for the fact that she seemed to be pissed off anytime she saw him, which in his opinion, was perfectly fine. Anyone who judges people based on their parents was not someone he wanted to be friends with.

     Everyone kept away from him like he had Covid-19 (which was another instance of Percy being able to see small things about the future.) They were talking about how he 'tamed' a Hellhound and how he was a cursed demi-god. He was fine with it. He figured that if his theory was true, he had been alone for most of his life. He was used to it. Grover stayed with him though. Percy learned that Grover wanted a searching license and to do that, he had to get a half-blood to camp. Apparently Percy didn't count as Grover was unconscious and Percy carried him to camp.

Perseus The Disgraced ArchangelWhere stories live. Discover now