Rethinking ( Ch. 13 )

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Y/N= Your Name Y/L= Your Last Name

It's the next morning and you wake up feeling something warm against you. You think nothing of it and continue to wrap your arms around the warm ness.

You smile as of how warm you are. You can't go back to sleep so you decide it's time to wake up. You open your eyes and see Suga. Your happy at seeing him and stare at him.

Your faces are so close together you can almost feel his breathe on your lips. You bring your hand up and place it on his face. His skin is soft and warm. His eyes slowly open and he smiles saying "good morning Y/N."

You just stare at him and smile and then you realize this isn't a dream and this is reality. You jump up and out of bed. You tell Suga as your looking in the other direction "It's time to get ready so go and change and i'll drive you to BigHit Entertainment, and you have rehearsal today."

You say this then you grab Sugas arm and push his back through the door and shut it behind him. Your still shocked at what just happened. Even though you didn't want being in his arms to end, it was what was best.

You decide to get ready and today your wearing a white t-shirt tucked into a light skin tone tan skirt with white sneakers. You pair your outfit with a darker tan and white checkered oversized long sleeve flannel.

You put some small gold hoops in and for your hair you curl it. For your bag you bring a tan beach bag
styled purse.

You open your bedroom door and at the same time Sugas door opens and he walks out at the same time. You first see his feet and slowly look up seeing every thing he is wearing for the day.

He's wearing white sneakers and black jeans. On top he has on a white and black stripped shirt and for his hair it's as fluffy as the clouds like always.

You are shocked at seeing Suga and are embarrassed of what happened this morning. You now quickly make your way to the stairs but feel something grab the back of your collar on the flannel.

Your flung around and pulled against the wall and Suga is staring into your eyes with one hand on the wall next to your head. Your palms are sweating and your heart starts to beat like crazy.

Suga looks at you like he's analyzing something important. He then says "you can't keep doing these little things that make my heart flutter and then just leave and act like it never happened Y/N" he says with a smirk.

You look away and say "i do it cause i forget." He looks confused and says "forget what?" You look at him and grab his wrist and pull his arm down. You say "that i'm your assistant Suga, and it can't be anything more or people will get mad."

Suga makes a face of confusion and a little bit on anger. "What do you mean? Who would get mad?"
You sigh and say "did you forget Suga that your an idol? With fans who adore you and go crazy for you. Heck they'd even die for you."

It's silent for a few seconds, "we need to get going" you say and begin to walk away towards the stairs. Once your downstairs most of the members and their assistants have left already to get to practice and only RM and his assistant are getting ready to leave.

You realize RMs assistant is that weird guy who tried grabbing your hand on the first day of work. You walk into the living room and grab the keys to the car your taking. You look over and RM says "oh good morning Y/N me and ji-hoon are about to leave."

You smile and glance at ji-hoon who is creepily smiling at you like he's admiring you in a creepy way. You say "me too i guess i'll meet you later then." You smile and wave goodbye to RM as him and ji-hoon walks out the door.

You check the time on your phone and wonder where Suga is. "Suga we need to leave" you say with a loud voice. There is no response and you get worried.

You walk up the stairs and look around and still don't see Suga. You check his room but it's empty. You open your door and see Suga sitting at the end of your bed with his back to you looking out the window.

You then say "Suga we don't have time for this. You have a rehearsal at 16:00 and it's 15:30 so let's go." He still doesn't respond so you walk over to him and slowly walk in front of him.

"Suga are you okay?" you say to him generally worried. He has a relaxed face as if he could fall asleep any moment. You tell him "we need to go" and he looks up at you.

"How do you feel towards me Y/N?" he says as he stands up and begins to walk towards you. "Does your heart start to beat faster?" You back up slowly and you feel your back hit the table behind you.

"Does your palms get sweaty?" Your answer is yes to all the questions he had asked you but you stay quiet. He lowers his head down to you and your faces are at the same level now.

"Hm?" he says as if he's waiting for your response but you stay silent and look at the floor. He speaks again saying "i'll take your silence as a yes" and walks away.

You can breathe now and you check the time. You hear Suga then say "are you coming?" You reply with "y-yes" stuttering as you speak. You walk out of your room and head downstairs and see Suga standing at the door.

He waits watching you walk down the stairs but you don't look at him and walk past him to the door. You and him head to the car and you drive and you both get in. You turn the car on and head to BigHit Entertainment for Sugas rehearsal.

Once you arrive there's crowds by the entrance as usual. You head to the passengers door to open Sugas door as he walks out waving to the fans.

Security is standing by gates which separates the fans and Suga. Suga begins to walk in the building and you walk next to him but a little behind him.

You both walk in the building and when the doors close all the screaming stops. You and Suga still silent walk to the rehearsal doors.

As you put your hand on the handle you turn to Suga and say "why does it matter whether i own up to the little things i accidentally do to you" with a mad and confused face. His eyes widen and he says "w-what do you mean" nervously as he's surprised at how you said that out of nowhere."

"Do you like me or something" you say curiously but teasingly too. You see his face turn red and he says "i uh why are you asking all of a sudden?"

You smile and say "wow i didn't think you ever would get nervous seeing how often you tease me." Then you open the door and say "after you" with a big smirk.

He quickly heads through the door. When he walks in and you head in after him and all the members look over to you guys entering.

"Suga was it hot out there? Your face is really red" Jimin says with a laugh. You smile and head over to where all the other assistants are. Suga says "oh yeah" and laughs nervously.

The members begin their rehearsal and you sit next to Da-hee. You didn't realize it at the time but you also sat next to that weird assistant Ji-hoon. You talk to Da-hee here and there and then get on your phone.

You here the person to your right talk to you and say "hey Y/N you look really pretty today." Thats when you look over and realize you are also sitting next to Ji-hoon.

You take a deep breathe and hurry that the rehearsal ends soon cause of how uncomfortable he makes you. You tell him "oh thank you" and put on a fake smile and look away.

You look at Suga and he's dancing with the other members to the song 'Blood Sweat and Tears'. Suga is sitting in front of RM as it's RMs turn to sing in the song.

You try to not talk to Ji-hoon and just ignore that the fact he's sitting by you. As your watching the members dance you feel someone press up on you. It's ji-hoon moving closer to you but when you look over he acts as if he never did anything.

You try and tell yourself it's nothing and your over thinking everything. You then go back to what your doing and begin to wait again. Then you feel ji-hoons hand go behind you and lay on top of the couch you guys are sitting on.

You then get a little annoyed at this point and decide you need to say something.

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