Violence ( Ch. 17 )

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Y/N= Your Name     Y/L= Your Last Name

You wake up the next morning to your alarm and it's 05:00. You wake up and Suga is still soundly sleeping next to you. You look at him and smile and tap is shoulder lightly saying "Suga it's time to wake up. We have to get ready and go to soundcheck."

He opens his eyes and looks at you and smiles. He grabs your hand pulling you into his arms and cuddles you.

You start giggling and say "yah we need to get up silly." Suga says "can't we lay like this for 5 more minutes?" You smile and laugh saying "now if we do that we will end up never getting up."

You escape Sugas arms and grab your clothes your gonna wear and head to the bathroom. Before you close the door you say "Suga i'm going to get ready and you better be done to when i walk out the door sir."

Suga replies with "yes ma'am" and you shut the door. You put on a white long sleeve with black buttons going up tucked into a black tight fitted skirt. You put black short heels and some white dangling earrings.

For your hair you curl it lightly and your ready to go. You open the bathroom door and see Suga sitting on the bed waiting for you. Since he gets ready at the performance location he's just wearing black pants with a dark blue sweater.

He looks up and looks at you and smiles. He says "you look beautiful Y/N." You smile and blush and say "thank you Suga, are you ready to go?"

He stands up and walks towards you and says "as i'll ever be." You both head out the door and to the performance location.

When You Arrive
You arrive and you and Suga head through a back stage door to go get ready. You have about 5 hours till the performance so everyone decides to eat first.

Suga heads over to the other members to eat and you and the other assistants go to another room to check the outfits.

You walk down to Sugas fitting room and see a rack with Sugas outfit for the performance. It's an all black outfit with chains on the waist and some hanging from it.

"Wow this is better than i thought it was going to be." You get all your things together and wait till Suga is done eating.

Your waiting for Suga to come to the fitting room and you hear the door open. You turn around to see Suga walking in. He walks over and sits down smiling. "How was the food" you say brushing through his hair with a comb.

He looks at you saying "it was actually pretty good surprisingly." You smile and do Sugas hair and you go for a natural look but with a little bit more messy.

You finish the hair which took about 40 minutes. You say to Suga "okay done now let's get you dressed." You grab Sugas outfit and you both walk over to the dressing room.

You hand Suga the outfit and say "okay put this on and come out so i can make some adjustments if needed." Suga walks into the dressing room and try's on the clothes.

Suga walks out and your amazed by how good he looks. From head to toe he looks amazing. You smile and Suga notices saying "what."

You say "nothing i just think it looks really good on you." Suga smiles and you turn him around making sure the waist fits as it should.

Everything is perfectly fitting Suga so you say "wow i'm impressed with myself. No adjustments need to be made." Suga says "i'm not surprised cause your really good at what you do Y/N.

You blush a little and smile at Suga. You turn around and check the time and it's 15:55. "Sound check starts in 15 minutes so we better get you up on stage."

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