Trapped ( Ch. 19 )

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Y/N= Your Name Y/L= Your Last Name

You begin to step back a little as Sung-ho walks a little closer. "What are you doing here Sung-ho" you say with a shaky voice.

Sung-ho smiles and walks up to you where you both are now close to each other. He pushes you to your bedroom and onto the bed. He stands in front of you and pulls out a knife.

Is he crazy? When did he go this psycho?! "Sung-ho think about what your doing right now. I promise you don't wanna do this" you say with scared eyes.

He walks closer and you run under his arm and out the bedroom door. He chases after you but you make it to the front door and manage to run out of the apartment.

You look back and see Sung-ho put his knife away where nobody can see it, but he still chases you. Your now by the streets and you start running in hopes of getting away.

You turn down the street and down an alleyway. You trip over a brick and fall scrapping your knee. Sung-ho is now caught up to you. He walks over and grabs your wrists pulling you towards the street.

You see a black van pull up and the doors open. Sung-ho throws you in and you see a younger boy driving the van but nobody else is in the van besides him.

Your now sitting in the van and Sung-ho sits across from you. The van begins to drive off and Sung-ho pulls out something. You flinch thinking it's his knife but it turns out to be his phone.

He dials a number and you hear it ring. Sung-ho hold the phone up to his ear and says "hello again."

Your eyes start to tear up as your scared for you life. You hear the voice on the other side of the line say "who is this?" The voice sound familiar and that's when realization hit you. It's Suga on the other side of the phone.

Your so i'm shock you can't speak an Sung-ho says "ah i'm a little hurt you don't remember me Suga. Remember the apartment situation we had?"

The other side of the line went silent for a minute as of guessing Suga was as shocked as you were. "What do you want Sung-ho. I have nothing to do with Y/N anymore."

Sung-ho laughs and smiles saying "you sure about that Suga" he says as he puts the phone to your ear. "S-suga" you say with fear in your voice. Suga pauses and is shocked and before he can say anything you say "Suga please help me-" almost crying.

Your cut off by Sung-ho taking the phone back. "See Suga i bet your really mad at me right now huh" Sung-ho says. "Sung-go i swear if you touch her-" Suga try's to say but Sung-go cuts him off saying "yeah yeah you'll end up hurting me blah blah."

Sung-ho continues saying "come to the address i've sent you alone. If you bring anyone i can promise you Suga. Y/N will no longer be breathing."

Sung-ho hangs up the phone and then the van stops. The driver comes around and opens the door and Sung-ho grabs you and takes you out. You look and see an old warehouse that looks like it hasn't been used in years.

Your taken inside and Sung-ho and the driver follow you. You walk inside and see a big area with doors all over. Sung-ho opens up the nearest door to the right and inside it looks like a cellar. There are only 2 cells but each cell has hand holding like things.

Sung-ho opens the first cell and puts you in the hand gadgets that connect to the floor near the wall. Sung-ho walks out and locks the cell and leaves you alone.

You sit in the cellar alone and scared. You lay your head down in your lap with your legs up and wait.

About an hour later you hear the door open and it's Sung-ho. He unlocks the cellar and releases you taking you away. You say "w-where are we going" and Sung-ho stays silent smiling.

Sung-ho takes you to another room and opens the door. It's a small room with a table and no chairs. Sung-ho takes you inside the room and makes it where your in front of him facing the door.

He whispers in your ear "are you ready Y/N cause it's now showtime." He pulls out the knife and puts it to your neck. Then the door opens and you see Suga walking through.

Behind him it's the driver from before holding his hands behind his back. You and Suga stare at each other and you begin to speak saying "s-suga."

Sung-ho speaks loud and says "Here's what's gonna happen Suga. Your gonna give me 1 billion won and Y/N lives, but if not.." he puts pressure on the knife and Suga says "okay! okay! i understand."

"Perfect" Sung-ho says and then says "hand fillip your card behind you and once the money transfers we will let you to go."

Suga hands fillip the driver the card and then Sung-ho and fillip both walk out and Suga back to the cellar room. You walk through the door and your both out in the hand gadget on both sides of the cell.

Then sung-ho and fillip leave and it's just Suga and you alone. Suga just looks at you with worried eyes and you try not to look at him as you don't think you can hold back the tears of how much you missed him.

"Y/N are you okay" he says with his soft voice. Just hearing his voice makes you calm down. You look up at him and say "i don't know anymore Suga."

You both just stare at each other and then you feel a pain in your stomach. "Ah" you mumble to yourself grabbing your stomach.

Suga looks down and says "what is it Y/N is something wrong?" You bite your lip as the pain hurts pretty bad. "It's my wound it's starting to hurt really bad" you say and then you slowly lift up your shirt to look at the wound.

It's red around the sides and starting to turn yellow in the middle. "It must of re opened when i fell" you say pull your shirt back down.

"What do we do now" Suga says as he looks around the room. "What can we do is the real question" you say with a hopeless voice as you stare at the ground.

You both just sit there then suddenly the door opens and Sung-ho comes in saying "the transfer happened so now your free to go... just kidding!"

You and Suga stand up and Suga says "what do you mean. I payed you the money now let us go." Sung-ho laughs and says "i cant let you snitch me out now can i."

Then you feel heat pounce on you and you feel light. You faint and fall to the ground. Suga looks over and says "Y/N" as he is pulling at the chains but isn't able to reach you.

"DONT JUST STAND THERE HELP HER SUNG-HO!" Suga says with worried eyes. Sung-ho opens the cell and unchains you and picks you up and take you away leaving Suga with nothing but feeling worried and scared something might of happened to you.

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