Chapter 13 - Grey Skies

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I was restless that night. Even after taking melatonin I was tossing and turning all night, begging my mind to shut off. It was over active, questioning everything and replaying the day's events over and over. What had I done to make him react that way? Or had he just realized it'd been a huge mistake?

I'd finally fallen asleep when I started to hear the birds start chirping, if anything indicating that day would drag along just as slowly as the night had.

A piercing headache woke me up, making me take the last few Advil capsules from my bedside. I got up to take a shower and saw that my eyes were heavy and slightly puffy, an unfortunate combination with the bruises that were painted around them.


I took a quick shower and hopped out to brush my teeth, wrapping a towel around my waist. My face had improved a lot in the past week, aside from my black eyes. My lip had healed relatively quickly, and the smaller cuts looked like thin scratches now.

They'll still notice...

I heard a knock at the door as I finished brushing and opened it.

"Honey, I have concealer if you'd like before I leave?" My mom asked, holding a small tube of tan liquid.

"Mom I'm paler than that, and I'm not wearing makeup." She frowned at me and held it up next to my face.

"It could work Ev, let me try." Ignoring my objections, she brushed her finger lightly against my skin, mixing in the makeup before stepping back. "You may be right, I'd rinse that off."

I looked in the mirror, seeing a large tan tint under my eyes, the bruises still perfectly clear underneath.

"Yeah. I'll just wear sunglasses." She gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the bathroom.

"There's breakfast on the counter dear, drive safely!"

I rinsed the concealer off and dried my face before going back to my room. After rummaging through my drawers for a few minutes, I finally found a pair of my old sunglasses. I peeked outside, it was foggy and grey. I hoped the skies would clear up soon so I wouldn't look ridiculous.

My dad was sitting at the table, reading his newspaper and drinking his coffee. There was a plate of scrambled eggs and buttered toast next to a hot chocolate on the counter waiting for me. I had a few bites, quietly thinking about the day before.

It was a really good kiss...

Why did Rowan leave so suddenly? What thought had been so important that he had to get up and leave?

He's not into you.

I felt my stomach lurch and got up, putting the plate in front of my dad. My appetite had diminished.

"Can you finish this? I don't wanna be late." He peered at me from above his newspaper.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked, I usually finished my breakfast pretty quickly. I nodded.

"I'm good, just don't wanna miss class." He looked at his watch,

"You've got time."

"I gotta pick up Erik." I said, though that still left me some time to spare. "Also I need a book from the library." I lied.

"Okay, go ahead as long as you're feeling okay." He said, taking a bite of the toast.

"I'm good dad, see you later."

As soon as I stepped outside I knew the fog wouldn't clear. The winds pushed back against me fiercely blowing my hoodie off of my head, and the clouds had only gotten a darker shade of grey.

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