Chapter 31 - Touch

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For some reason, my nerves weren't on overdrive like they should've been in that kind of situation. I was too distracted by the fact that I'd actually get to find out what the hell was up with Rowan's coach to focus on the fact that we'd be sleeping in the same bed again, and that this time it was his idea.

"Wait, I don't have a toothbrush with me..." Rowan quirked an eyebrow, setting his water down on the bedside table.

"I have an extra in my gym bag."

My eyes followed him as he crouched down and unzipped it. Who just walked around with extra toothbrushes in their bags?

"For overnight tournaments." Rowan said as if he'd read my mind, handing me an unopened packaged toothbrush. My face reddened.

"Thanks," I looked down at it, the white part of the handle was lined with a light green. "I'll get you a new one."

"Don't bother," he gave a short laugh as he stood up, "they're only a few cents at the store on campus."

The sound of bass from beneath us rattled Rowan's furniture as the residents there started playing loud music. I crossed my legs on the bed to avoid feeling it buzz from the floor, still holding the shirt he'd given me.

"Sorry," Rowan muttered, walking to lower the dark blinds over his window. "Friday, you know."

I smiled. I didn't mind the noise. His room looked warm with the blinds down, and I resisted the urge to just fall back in his bed right then.

"You hungry?" Rowan asked me, and I pulled myself out of my daze.

"No, I'm good." He frowned slightly,

"You ate already?"

"Yeah, before your game." I lied, not wanting to tell him that my appetite vanished any time I got nervous. "If you're hungry though, you should get something." He shook his head,

"Nah, they've started having us drink this protein smoothie after games. It's not great, but I'm full." I scrunched up my face, "Let's hit the bathroom, brush our teeth." I looked around the room, there was no sink, no door leading to another room. Rowan watched me for a moment before smiling and nodding to the door. "It's this way."

"Right," I forced out, reminding myself that this wasn't an apartment, it was a dorm room and of course he didn't have his own private bathroom.  

To say brushing my teeth with Rowan was awkward would be an understatement. Every few seconds a guy or two would enter the bathroom, congratulating him on his game or inviting him to a party. Rowan thankfully spared me any more introductions and tried to keep the interactions as short as possible.

We finally made it back to the room, and I changed my shirt when Rowan's back was turned, but regretted it almost immediately. It was at least one and a half sizes too large, and I knew I looked ridiculous. Rowan turned and I saw his eyes fall to my shirt, clearly holding back a smile.

He cleared his throat, "I'll find you some shorts too." I knew my face was all sorts of pink, and I busied myself with folding the shirt I'd taken off neatly, putting it on the floor beside my shoes.

"Thank you," I said as he handed me a pair of soft white shorts. He politely turned away and I changed into them, pulling the strings tight so they fit around my waist. When I was finished, I let myself fall back on the bed and Rowan turned back around.

"So," he started without meeting my eyes. "What do you know about Anderson?"

I blinked up at him for a split second, wondering if he was upset that I'd asked him about it, or irritated. His expression was hidden, didn't give anything away, so I told him the truth.

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