Chapter 38 - Dark

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Rowan drove me to my car, only after the cold had become too much for either of us to handle. The heat was on full blast, so I'd taken off his hoodie and was in the process of folding it when we'd reached my car.

He slowly pulled over and parked before turning to me with a beguiling smile.

"What are your plans for this week?" He asked. His eyes were magnetic, and I wondered why the more time I spent with him, the more they seemed to entrance me.

"Um, just class, and I have to tutor tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday."

"I didn't know you were a tutor," it seemed like a tease, his eyes sparkled. 

"I didn't mention it?" I answered warily, and his smile widened as he shook his head.

"That's pretty fitting for you."

"Is it?" I asked, my interest piqued, "how so?"

Rowan looked me over once, before shrugging,

"It just kind of works." My mouth dropped open, and I stared at him in fake offense.

"Are you implying that I'm a geek?"

"No, of course not." Rowan said reassuringly before adding, "I get more of a dorky vibe from you."

"Dorky?!" Rowan covered his laugh behind his hand as I adjusted to face him better. "How do I look dorky?!"

"I didn't say you looked dorky. It's your personality, overall vibe." I continued to stare at him, feeling my face heat as his eyes lowered down at my chest with joy. "But that sweater isn't helping."

"Oh my god."

Rowan's laugh returned even louder, and I couldn't help but smile too after a minute.

"Come here," Rowan placed his hand behind my head and pulled me to him before he kissed me softly. "You and your sweater look amazing," he said after pulling away.

My face instantly flushed but I smiled anyway wanting to compliment him back, but he continued speaking.

"Well, what time does your tutoring usually end?"

I cleared my throat, still flustered. I didn't know if I could ever get used to being kissed by him.

"Uh, usually around five-thirty, but when they have exams I can be there up until the library closes."

"Do they have an exam coming up?"

"No, not for a while."

"So would you want to come to my game on Friday? It's at seven. We could do something after."

I smiled involuntarily again because Rowan had never personally invited me to one of his games before. I felt comforted by the knowledge that, yes, Rowan did want to continue seeing me, and this didn't feel like some one-way crush that would amount to nothing anymore.

"Yeah, I'll come," I said, trying to hide my smile, but based on his I didn't think I was succeeding. "What would you want to do after?"

"There are parties, or we could get food and watch a movie at my place if you want. You're welcome to stay the night again, too. If you're fine with Shea harassing you again."

I laughed, looking down at my hands before nodding.

"That sounds good. I'll be there."

I glanced back up at Rowan, but his expression had hardened, and his steely-cold gaze was set on something behind me.

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