Chapter 42 - Secrets II

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When I woke up Rowan was gone.

My head was pounding, the light from the window was all too bright and I shut my eyes again, covering them with my hands. My skin felt clammy and I groaned as the thought of the vodka I'd consumed brought me a wave of nausea. I couldn't throw up here.

I tried closing my eyes again and taking deep breaths. I'd need to pull myself together before I picked up Lucy.


My eyes shot open and I fumbled for the phone I'd left on Rowan's bedside table. I hadn't heard my alarm go off yet and the thought of letting down Lucy on her first day back made me sit up faster than I should've. My head spun and I rested it against the palm of my hand as I checked the time.


I released a sigh of relief, I still had half an hour to get rid of my hangover. My eyes traveled further down my screen.

had to meet my mom, left some Advil and water on the table,
you should have some food too.

I looked and sure enough, there were two bottles of water sitting neatly next to a small bottle of Advil.

I quickly took two capsules and chugged some water, praying my headache would pass quickly. It was silent, there were no loud voices in the courtyard I assumed due to the early hours and the snow that seemed to have fallen after the hail in the night.

My eyes caught a glint of silver on the bedside and noticed what looked like a burrito wrapped in tinfoil. There was a sticky note attached to it with eat! scribbled neatly in black ink.

Despite my unwell state, I felt a small smile cross my face at Rowan's thoughtfulness. I took the burrito, the tinfoil was still warm.

But the thought of food made me feel more nauseous, and I stood up, looking for my coat. Rowan seemed to have thought of that too, as all of my clothes were folded neatly on his desk chair.

Did he even sleep?


"Evan!" Lucy ran up to me, her flip-flops smacking loudly against the tile floor at baggage claim. She embraced me in a long, warm hug and I felt a sense of relief wash over me. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you."

I hugged her tightly before she let go, tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and she nodded quickly brushing them away.

"Yes, I just... ugh. It's been a long semester." I rubbed her shoulder and she smiled, reaching her hand up to mess up my hair.

"You've gotta tell me all about it," I said, trying to duck out of her reach unsuccessfully. "You're wearing a t-shirt and flip-flops in the snow?"

She looked down at her shoes and laughed.

"I couldn't wear snow shoes on the plane. I thought you'd be waiting outside too."

I shrugged off my coat and draped it over her shoulders.

"You're gonna have to hop on my back unless you want frostbite."

"You're such a gentleman."


Lucy hopped off my back and heaved her luggage into the trunk, pushing me away as I tried doing it for her.

"Get in the car and get ready to catch me up on everything," she said, shutting the trunk.

I got in the driver's seat and started the car, my mind racing about what I'd tell her.

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