Chapter 27 - Coffee

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There was a light tapping on the door, followed by the sound of my name coming from my mother's soft voice.

I mumbled something back, hoping she'd leave. I hadn't gotten enough sleep. My mind was slowly trying to retrieve the information I'd read in my class syllabus on how many periods I'd be able to miss in the semester without being dropped. I hadn't ditched a class yet, I'm sure my professors wouldn't mind.

I was too comfortable to get up. My bed was a warm alternative from the cold breeze that came from the open window.

"Evan, did you lock the door?"

I sighed, feeling around for my discarded pillow before pulling it over my eyes to cover the sunlight that was seeping through them.

One class won't kill me. I'll have Erik bring me notes and pay for him to get an Uber...

"Evan, why is the door locked?" Her voice had raised slightly in worry and I frowned to myself.

I locked the door?

I forced my eyes open, my sight slow to adjust to the morning light. There was a movement next to me, and I spotted Rowan right as the memories from the night before came flooding back to me.

He was propped up against the pillow, his arms were crossed and his eyes flickering between the door and me, looking like he wanted to say something. I stared at him stupidly, before realizing my mom was still on the other side of the door.

"Uh- I'm just changing mom I'm awake!"

"Okay, I left your breakfast on the table, I'm running late so see you on campus."

I thanked her and waited to hear the footsteps leaving my door before turning back to Rowan.

His dark hair was tousled from sleep, and I felt my gaze fall on a few strands that were covering his eye. I had an urge to brush it aside, see if it felt as soft as it looked. But I kept my hands to myself. The realization that I'd slept in the same bed with Rowan was setting in, and I felt my face slowly warm as I remembered we hadn't only cuddled, but I was the one who initiated it.

I quickly looked away from him again as my humiliating thoughts grew, ignoring the small smile on his face that sent a warmth through my chest. I heard a light chuckle.

"Good morning." His voice was friendly but slightly deeper than usual, and while I attributed that to the fact that he'd woken up recently, it didn't stop my stomach from squirming. I cleared my throat, trying to replace my flustered expression with a friendly one.

"You too. Thanks for staying, I hope I didn't fuck up your plans?"

"No, my mom sleeps in late so I have plenty of time."

I wondered if he was lying, trying to make sure I didn't feel guilty. I felt guilty anyway.

"Do you want some breakfast? I can make some eggs." I spoke to the wall, not feeling confident enough to turn back quite yet.

"No," he sounded entertained, maybe I was being too awkward. I'd never slept in the same bed as someone I felt attraction for. My face reddened further as I realized he'd probably done it more than enough times to notice that I was out of my element. "I usually just have some coffee until I get hungry."

"Oh- cool I'll make you coffee then," I tried acting casual as I pulled the rest of the blanket off of me to get up.

"You don't have to-"

"No, we have great coffee here; it only takes a few minutes."

I grabbed a grey t-shirt from my closet and quickly changed it from the basketball one I'd slept in. I needed to shower, but I'd wait until he left.

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