Chapter 11 - Numb

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10k reads wtf?? Thank you guys so much :') I'm so sorry for how long I've taken to update, I'm in such a weird place! I should be updating regularly now though so expect the next update on Friday :)


Erik and Rowan stood up as my mom turned around.

"Hey honey, are you feeling better?" My mom asked, walking over to me. I watched Rowan behind her, his expression had softened as he studied me.

My mom reached over to move some hair out of my eyes and I brushed her hand away.

"I'm great mom," I said with a smile, and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a glass from the cupboard. I didn't need their pity.

"Ev, no need to be sarcastic with me,"

"I'm not," I said, filling up my glass with water from the fridge. "I feel fantastic."

She frowned at me as I took a sip. Erik and Rowan exchanged glances behind her and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Okay, well I'm off to pick up the food, do you need anything else while I'm out?"

"I'm good, thanks mom." She gave me a warm smile and picked up her keys from the counter.

"I'll be back soon boys, Evan your fathers on the phone in our room if you need anything."

On the phone... Talking to a fucking lawyer.

I shook my head free of the thought and returned her smile. When the front door shut I headed back to Erik and Rowan.

They were still standing and watching me with concern as if I'd suddenly fall and break down any second. I plopped down on my dad's favorite armchair, putting my feet up on the small table in front of the tv and flashed them a smile.

"What's up guys?"

They exchanged looks again before sitting back down. Erik seemed to be thinking of something to say, I could practically hear the wheels turning in his head, but Rowan just stared. His intense gaze was analyzing me, making my stomach twist. I broke eye contact with him as Erik spoke.

"We just came to see how you're doing, you know..." He looked to Rowan for support but Rowan stayed silent, his stare still set on me.

"I'm doing pretty well," I lied. "No complaints, considering."

"Considering you almost got killed." Rowan said. He hadn't looked away from me yet and my eyes snapped to his as my smile fell. I crossed my arms absentmindedly, his auburn eyes trapping me in. There was a storm brewing in them.

"Yup." I said passively, hoping we could change the topic. But what else would the three of us even have to talk about? We were silent for a few seconds before Erik broke it again.

"Fuck Evan I mean if I were you I'd have a few complaints myself." I shrugged and looked away from Rowan, staring at the tv's black screen. "You know they'll arrest him right? I mean they already got his fucking confession, they have everything they need."

A wave of euphoria hit me as the THC settled in my system, and I gave a short laugh. They probably thought I was a lunatic.

"That's a good one Erik, I needed that."

"What?" His voice was high pitched and he seemed frustrated.

"He's a hero in the eyes of the public. If they arrest him he'll be out in a day or two. It doesn't matter."

You shouldn't have read the comments.

"That's not true." I shrugged again.

"I guess we'll wait and see."

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