Chapter 36 - Dusk

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Rowan: you busy tomorrow?

no, why?

Rowan: wanna come to an art show?

"Evan," I quickly dropped my phone behind my computer and focused my attention back to the video call. "Who are you texting? I've never seen you smiling like that."

Damn your creepy perceptiveness, Maddy.

"I'm not texting anyone," I feigned a confused frown, my heart beating slightly faster, "sorry, what were you saying before Maddy interrupted, Alex?"

We'd been video chatting for about an hour, and my mind had been preoccupied by how nice the dinner with Rowan had been earlier in the night.

Maddy scoffed, and unfortunately Alex wasn't on my side either.

"I was just talking about my evil BioChem professor, but now I'm curious too- who was it?"

"Literally no one."

"That's obviously not true."

"Someone just sent me a funny meme, that's it."

"Ooh, send it to us,"

God dammit.

"I already left the page,"

"Well, who sent it?"

"You guys are actually being insane right now."

"We just don't want you to replace us, Evan," Maddy said dramatically.

"Nobody could replace you guys."

"The longer you don't answer us the more interested we are in who sent you the meme." Alex answered.

Lucy looked torn between amusement and anxiety, as she was lightly biting her bottom lip while her eyes darted among us.

"It's just a friend from class," I said, glancing at the time to see if I'd be able to make an escape. 1 am.

"Ooh, a friend from class? Why don't you introduce us?" Alex's tone was suggestive and I rolled my eyes, yawning.

"I gotta go to sleep guys,"

"-me too," Lucy piped up before Maddy or Alex could, "I have my first final tomorrow."

"Shit I haven't even started studying for my finals," Alex groaned, "but I can't fucking wait for break and to see you guys."

"Evan, when's your break? Let's go snowboarding."


I couldn't remember feeling less interested about any class ever. No, it wasn't because of the conflict theory essay I'd been assigned at the beginning of class or the reading quiz we'd have on Wednesday.

It was because I was going to an art show with Rowan in the evening, and it wasn't just any art show, but his mothers.

He'd conveniently mentioned that part after I'd already agreed to go with him.

Not like you would've said no if you'd known.

"So I was thinking yeah, I'm middle class here, but if my family had the same amount of money in a different state on either coast we'd definitely be lower class." I nodded absently, as my partner Aaron... or was it Andrew? As Andrew tried moving our required discussion forward.

I looked over his features again, he didn't look like much of an Andrew. Fuck I forgot his name.

"But also if I moved to like, Alaska, I guess my social class would be a bit higher. Maybe there's like a micro social class standing within each state, but in context to the whole country it's a bit different."

Dusk (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now