Chapter 10 - Socks

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Wowza- Dusk hit 5k! Thank you guys, I'm sorry it's been a while since my last update, I have been going through a funk and it's been bringing me down but thank you for your kind words and messages! <3 Decided to get off my ass and do something productive to make myself feel better so here's a new chapter :)


The first thing I noticed before opening my eyes was my nose. It was throbbing as if it'd been hit with a baseball bat. I blindly reached over to my bedside table and grabbed the bottle of Advil, taking three.

I tried to go back to sleep but my body ached, and my mind raced through the events of the day before. I heard my dad speaking on the phone in the other room, his voice raised in anger.

I moved in my bed, trying to find a position that wouldn't irritate my ribs, but it was no use. The Advil still hadn't kicked in and the longer I was awake, the more I felt each and every injury from the night before.

My door slowly creaked open and I turned to see my mom peeking in, checking if I was awake.

"Morning." I mumbled out, and she came into the room, carrying a small tray. Her eyes were puffed up and she looked like she hadn't slept a minute. She'd sobbed the entire way home from the hospital and my heart had broken for her.

"Evan baby, I've made you some eggs and toast, and here's some hot chocolate..." She set the tray down on my bedside table and sat next to me on the bed.

"Thanks, mom." I moved to sit up, keeping my face straight as I sat up. She didn't need to know how much pain I was in, it'd only hurt her more. "What time is it?"

"It's two-thirty, your friends came by this morning to check on you but you were asleep, I think they're coming back soon." She sniffed a bit but forced a bright smile onto her face.

"Oh." I reached for the hot chocolate and took a sip as my nose throbbed sharply. "Uh, which friends?"

"Erik and Rowan. They're both very sweet boys, I'm glad you're meeting new people. Did you know, Erik is one of my students?" I took another sip.

"Yeah, he mentioned..." Shit. School. How the hell do I go back looking like this?

My mom seemed to have read my mind.

"Don't worry about your classes dear, I've called your teachers and let them know the situation. You can stay home this week, I'll pick up anything you might need when I go in."

"Okay... I have a test this Friday though—"

"Yes, I've already spoken to Professor Reed, you can take the exam at home, he'll give it to me at the end of the week. Erik said he'd bring you his notes."

"Oh, okay... Thanks." She nodded and rubbed my back before standing up. I heard my dad's voice rise again from the other room, he seemed to be yelling at somebody. "Hey, who's dad talking to?"

She turned around and put her hands behind her back, and sighed.

"Honey, he's on the phone with the officer who spoke to you yesterday. He's hiring a lawyer—"

"Shit, no we can't afford that!" My heart dropped and I started to panic.

"Evan, we don't really have a choice. They say they don't have enough evidence to charge him with a felony, only a possible misdemeanor which is an absolute joke. They haven't even arrested him yet, so your father and I thought we'd take this into our own hands."

He'll find me again.

"No, please mom, can we just... Forget it? I don't wanna have to go through all of this when he's probably just gonna get off and we'll lose tons."

Dusk (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now