Chapter 16 - Pressure

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"Evan, if you're going to be in your room all the time we're gonna have to make it look less..." Lucy scrunched up her face to try and think of the word she was looking for.

"Less what?" I asked, offended. I didn't think my room was bad, but why put effort into a space I'd leave in two years anyways? "And I'm not in my room all the time."

"Less monochromatic." She finished, "it's right up here." She pointed to a small, unnoticeable building that looked worn down and I pulled into their gravel parking lot. Next to it was a hardware supply store.

"My room is not monochromatic. I find it pretty interesting actually."

"Listen, it's not ugly or anything, I just think you need some more color... And life."

She got out of the car and I grudgingly followed her out, dragging my feet. We were at a nursery a few blocks from my house that I'd always thought was a rundown abandoned building.

"Lucy, I'm not getting more than one plant." She frowned at me. As she opened the doors, a pleasant chiming sound greeted us from the bells hanging above it.


"Two. Any more than that and I'll forget about them and they'll die."

She smiled brightly, seeming to be perfectly happy with just two plants.


Lucy seemed to know what she wanted, and I followed her to the side of the store, where there were a variety of small to medium sized green plants under a large window.

"Okay well you'll need one of these..." She said, studying the bright green leaves that hung freely from their baskets, drooping down around the window.

"What is it?"

"It's called a pothos plant. I have three in my dorm room."

She reached up to grab the base, then handed it to me before turning on her heel. I followed her to the other side of the store, trying to keep up without harming the plant I was carrying.

"This is perfect." She reached a bigger plant with large but delicate leaves. It looked like a small chunk stolen from a tropical paradise.

"I don't know, that's pretty big..."

"Shush, you said two plants. Trust me."

Lucy heaved the plant onto a nearby cart. I kept my mouth shut and followed her like an obedient dog as she wheeled the plant through the store, stopping only to get a sandy-colored woven basket by the register.

A friendly woman in overalls greeted us and I pulled out my wallet, but Lucy stepped in front of me.

"If you don't put your wallet away right now I'll tell your parents the real story of how you sprained your ankle last winter. And paint your car bright yellow."

Memories of me drunkenly falling in her too-small heels followed by a very awkward discussion with the doctor flashed before my eyes.

"Lucy, it's for my room—"

"And it was my idea," she pulled out her phone. "You have three seconds to put it away before a very enlightening text goes out to your parents."

I quickly shoved my wallet back in my pocket.

"That's evil. I didn't know you gave me that dare for blackmail material."

She rolled her eyes and gave a charming smile to the employee who took her card, looking curiously between us.

"I have dirt on everyone, don't worry."

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