Chapter 24 - Invasion

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The paper fell to the ground, and my legs were taking me back out to the living room. Blood was pounding in my ears, and I couldn't breathe.

"Mom?" My voice shook from the hallway before my walk turned into a run.

She was exactly where she'd been when I'd gotten home. I fell to my knees in front of her, tearing the blanket to the ground.

"Mom!" I frantically shook her shoulders, feeling my body go numb.

I didn't want to feel her pulse. I didn't want to check her body for blood. I wanted her to-

"Wake up!"

She opened her eyes with a jolt and sat up in a slumbered rush. A mixture of shock and relief flooded through me, my breath was caught. My vision blurred from tears, my body felt like it was in shock.

"What's wrong?" She asked in a panic, looking around us, her eyes wide as saucers. "Are you okay?"

"What the hell is going on?!" My dad turned on the lights from the hallway. His hand was gripped tightly over the base of his bedside lamp, and he lowered it from his shoulder after his eyes scanned the room for threats of danger.

"Mom, you..." My grip was still tight on her, and I moved my hands to wrap around my stomach. "Why? You're on the couch..."

She didn't look any less confused, her eyebrows strung closer together as she looked at me with concern.

"I'm sorry..." she said carefully, before glancing at my dad with a frown before looking back at me. "I must've fallen asleep grading papers." She reached over, placing a soft hand against my cheek. "Nothing to worry about honey."

I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. She was still there, she was okay. I couldn't stop my heart from pounding though, and my jittery mind was reminding me of the red-stained paper on my bedroom floor.

Someone was in the house.

In my room...

Someone who was trying to send me a message. No doubt a threatening one.

I opened my eyes quickly standing up. I walked to the kitchen, grabbing a sharp knife before heading to the front door.

"Evan- what on earth are you doing?!" My dad was following closely behind me, still holding onto the lamp.

I unlocked and flung the front door open, looking out into the dark street. It was empty, no stray cars where they weren't supposed to be, no movement from any nocturnal animals.

I slammed and bolted the door shut before walking to the other side of the house and looking out at the backyard.

"Evan?" My dad was right next to me, sounding worried.

I scanned the backyard, it was dark but empty. My eyes trailed to the solid wood fence separating our property from the neighbors. Someone could've easily jumped it...

"Evan!" I jumped, turning to my dad, who had his hand on my shoulder.

"What?!" The blood drained from my face at his tone, had he seen something? Or someone?

He exchanged a look with my mom before turning back to frown at me.

"What's going on with you? Did you see someone trying to break in?" His head motioned to the knife I still had clenched tightly in my hand. My gaze fell to it.

Am I scaring them?

I set the knife down, but without it I felt even more weak.

"I..." I couldn't tell them about the letter... maybe I'd imagined it... I'd been sleep deprived. I couldn't do anything until I was sure.

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