Chapter 2 - Alternate Universe

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A/N: homophobic slurs, some violence...


I was on my back, staring at the stars.

I wondered if somewhere out in the darkness above me, there was another planet. It'd be just like ours, with oceans and forests and deserts. And there'd be another teenage boy who'd just graduated high school. At a party. And as of that moment, he was free. He could do whatever he wanted. But his mind was stuck on this one thing.

This one boy.

I felt my head spin as it often did when I thought about space. I closed my eyes, trying to push the thoughts of the empty unknown out of my mind.

This only amplified my thoughts of Rowan. There was a mystery there, and my gut was telling me to leave it be, but my heart ached to find out what was hidden behind his cryptic guise.

"Evan!" My stomach lurched as someone jumped on the trampoline I was lying on. I sat up straight and looked around. I was dizzy but through blurred vision, I made out Madison and Alex. Madison gave me a mischievous smile.

"How high are you? I saved us my best strain for tonight, you know?" I made eye contact with her for a minute doing my best to feign concern, before I lost my composure and burst out laughing.

"Bet he's floating in the clouds," Alex chimed in with a wide grin as if he'd just cracked the best joke of the century. "Looks like he's on a solo mission to Mars, navigating by starlight."  I wildly kicked at his legs and he lost balance, falling back on the trampoline. As I rushed to my feet to start jumping, Madison leapt on my back and brought me down with him.

"Judas!" I hissed at her, she was out of breath laughing. I lay back down and gave up while they taunted me.

"Guys!" Lucy stepped up to the trampoline with her hands on her hips, appearing out of nowhere. I blinked at her. She stayed silent for a few seconds before her face broke out into a large grin. "Last one standing gets to pick which club we go to!" She started jumping. Madison and Alex scrambled to their feet and joined.

"Don't you mean last one jumping?" I asked, struggling to get up. I was still dizzy.

Lucy jumped closer to me and sent me sprawling back to where I was before.


I sent her a glare and lay back down, accepting defeat. A few minutes later, Lucy stood victorious over the rest of us and we reluctantly got off of the trampoline.

"So what'll it be?" Alex asked. Lucy grinned.

"The Max."

Alex groaned and Madison let out a rare giggle. I shrugged. I'd never heard of it.

"No Evan trust me, you don't wanna—"

"—Excuse me Alex, but he can decide for himself. Anyway, I won, so..." Lucy smiled at him before whipping her phone out. He rolled his eyes.

We started making our way through the crowds of people saying our goodbyes, some of Lucy's friends telling her they'd join us at the club later. Someone handed me a drink on my way out and I took it. It was punch.

This is my last drink at a high school party.

It was a bittersweet moment. Not that thought alone, but the realization that my life was about to completely change forever.

We left the house and felt the cool air wash over us, a welcome relief from the stuffiness of the crowd.

Lucy had ordered us an Uber and soon we saw a grey Prius pulling up on the street. I piled in the back with Lucy and Madison while Alex sat in the passenger seat.

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