Alternative Chapter 6

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~Ryans POV~

The kiss didn't last long, mostly because my phone rang.

"Hello." I said answering it.

"Ryan, i need you to come up to New York."

"Ray." Was all i could manage to say. I was just kissing my ex-wife. I didn't know whats going on. We just ended up kissing.

"Ryan did you here me? I need you in New York. The sooner you can get here the better."

"R-right. What happened? And ill be there as soon as i can and ill text you the details about my flight."

"Everything alright Ryan?" Laurie said.

"Long story short, Lauren broke her leg. Wait, wait, wait. Back up. Was was that Laurie's voice i just heard?!"

"W-what no, of course not!"

"Ryan..don't lie to me." It sounded as if Ray was grinding his teeth as he said that, but it might also have been bad connection. "You know what forget it. Don't bother coming up. Ill just tell Lauren that your to busy to come up and see her, shes been asking or you. See you when i get home.....maybe..." ray said than hung up.

"Everything alright?" Laurie said placing her hand on my arm.

"Not really, i i got to go. Bye Laurie." I said than walked out to my car. Maybe he called Geoff. Maybe Geoff will know what to do. God i hope he doesn't yell at me.

-Rays POV-

I walked back into the room Lauren is in and sat next to her. She is sleeping right now which is good. Gives me time to think of away to tell her that her father wont be coming. I still cant believe he was with Laurie. Thought he didn't want to see her again. Who know what they were doing. Ill deal with that when i get back, for now i should go call Geoff.

-Ryans POV-

I got to Geoffs and rang the bell hoping his home.

"Hey Ryan what brings you here." Griffon said answering the door.

"I uh, maybe a mistake and need to talk to Geoff."

"Alright, ill go get him. Come in sit down."

I sat down like Griffon said to and she went to go get Geoff. Soon Geoff came in and sat down next to me.

"Whats up buddy?" Geoff said.

"Has Ray called you? He called me before, said something about me needing to go up to New York, but he quickly changed the subject when he heard Laurie's voice, than said not to come and now hes upset with me and probably thinks i still love Laurie... but i don't i love Ray."

"Wait why were you with Laurie? And no he hasn't called me."

"She invited me over and i wasn't able to come up with an excuse to get out of it."

"Well its not like anything happened right?"

"Well...we did kiss.......but Ray doesn't know that."

"Well-" Geoff was cut off by his phone ringing. "Hold on one second." Geoff said than answered his phone. " she alright?!....good....yea of course....alright....bye." guess that was Ray, wish i knew what Ray was saying on the other line. "Ryan do you know why Ryan wanted you to come up to New York?" Geoff asked.

"Uh, yea i think he said Lauren broke her leg. Broke her leg.... Geoff I I got to go. I don't care if Ray doesn't want me there, i need to be there for my daughter. We can talk more when i get back. I I really need to see if my little angel is okay." I said when went out the door.

-Rays POV-

I walked out of the room once more and called Geoff. Hopefully Lauren will wake up after i return.

"Hey Geoff." I said once he answered the phone.

"Hey." Geoff said.

"Ryan there?"


"Lauren broke her leg. I will have to stay in New York a little longer. How long im not sure."

"Is she alright?"

"Yea shes fine."


"Hey, when we get back can we stay with you, Ill explain when i get back if Ryan already hasn't."

"Yea, of course." 

"Thanks, I'll let you know when we get back." 

"Alright. Bye."


I walked back into Lauren's room. She was still sleeping.

"Daddy?" Lauren said. I guess I was wrong, she was good at acting asleep when she was really up on her iPad. Only Ryan can tell when shes really sleeping or not.

"I'm right here pumpkin." I said 

"Wheres father and my teddy bear?" She asked half asleep.

"Your fathers busy and cant come. And here's your teddy bear. It feel when you were sleeping. Like it always does." 

"Oh, hehe ya. Everything falls off my bed when im sleeping." Lauren said giggling. 

Lauren cant leave for a few days they out her on a light pain killers because she was complaining about the pain, said that they are going to stop it tomorrow morning and than they want to see if she still has more pain. 

"Oh hey, i almost forgot. I have your 3DS. Here, lets some Mario Kart." I said handing her DS. I had mine as well.


Friend of mine just starting writing a fanfic. Would mean a lot to me if you checked it out. Its about the show Lost. They story is written by @LoveCtfxc_98. The fanfic is called Lost (Fan Fic version). Would mean a lot if you checked it out. Also @Littleminnesotan also has some great fanfic, one of my favorites of hers is Kill or Save. Please go check them both you. Stay awesome~


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