Chapter 9

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-Rays POVs-

All day Sunday we had Lauren lay on the couch all day. She only got up if she had to use the bathroom. Other wise she brought everything to her like food, and drinks, gaming controllers. Everything. By Monday she was able to walk. Mostly because she had to because of school and Ryan and I had to go to work.

Work is work. Recreated and edited some shit. Nothing special. Couldnt wait to get home and watch TV or maybe even play some video games with Lauren and Ryan. And thats just as we did when we got home.

-Ryans POV-

During work today Geoff pulled me aside to ask if Lauren and I would be apart of Game Kids. I didnt give him an answer knowing i would have to talk to Ray about before i mentioned it Lauren. Although Ray let Lauren be in one of streams. Although only the people that watch his live streams seem to know Lauren exists, why or how they kept it a secret beats me. I want to bring her into the office sometime soon, i know that Michael and Gavin are bringing Meg in next week, i think that Lauren will want to come in as well.

"Dad! Father! Can i go to work you next week please! I have a day off and Meg is going!" Lauren said running out of her room.

"I don't see why not. What do you think Ray?" I said.

"I don't know." Ray said

"Please Daddy! I'll clean my room." Lauren said.

"Your room should always be clean, and alright. You can come to work with us next week." 

-week later at work with Lauren, still Ryan's POV-

"Now Lauren, be on your best behavior and don't listen to Michael, Gavin, Geoff, or well anyone. There langue isn't the best for you to here. They arent the nicest sometimes." I said.

"Do they say words like shit?" Lauren said.


"Sorry Daddy, i didnt know." Lauren said sounding upset.

"Aww, im sorry sweetie, I didnt mean to yell at you." Ray said hugging Lauren and kissing her forehead. I laughed.

"You to are creepy fuckers." Geoff said walking into the office.

"Hi Uncle Geoff!!" Lauren said happily.

"Oh. Hi Lauren." Geoff said walking over and messed her hair.

"Uncle Geeofff my haiirr!! Father can i have my iPad so i could the camera as a mirror to fix my hair."

"Sure, sweetie." I said laughing. Ray laughed to.

I gave Lauren her iPad, she fixed her hair than I put the iPad back into my back pack. I picked up Lauren placed her on my lap Ray sat at Jack's desk and the three if played a game for the Wii U. I heard Geoff laugh as we played.

"Daddy, I put our lunch in the fridge, than i was talking to Miles."

"Hi Brianna!"

"Hi Lauren!" 

"Come here Brianna." Geoff said laughing. He placed her on hes lap, and Ray gave Brianna his controller, and the three of us played. Geoff, Ray and I switching off every once and i while.

An hour and a half Jack came in.

"Ray, i need to get to desk.." Jack said walking in.

"Do you really need it right now, cant you sit at my desk?" Ray said.

"Well, yea i need to get do my work. Who are you playing with anyway."

I turned so Jack can see Lauren. "Hi Uncle Jack!" Lauren said laughing.

Geoff did the same as I did.

"Oh hey Brianna and Lauren. Alright after this game i need my desk back." 

"Awesome." Ray said than we went back to playing.

Jack watched us play we were all laughing and having a good time. Lauren is such a good girl she knows how to make everyone laugh. 

"Meg, remember to be good alright." Gavin said. Walking into the office. They have a day off from lazer team today.

"Its Meg, of course she will be good. Shes the best daughter ever." Micheal said. Meg just laughed.

"Why you all croweded around Ryan desk." Gavin said.

"Hey guys. Hi Meg. Jack is watching Lauren and Brianna play some Wii U game. Ryan, Ray and I having taking turns playing." Geoff said. "Alright guys we need to get to work now. We have to record some VS and minecraft." 

"Alright Lauren. Here's your iPad, why don't you go play some games with Meg and Brianna while we work." 

"Alright Father." Lauren said jumping off my lap after she grabbed her iPad. They played games on their iPads. They are such good kids.

We recored about 3 VS's now and its now Gavin and I that have to vurse each other. Gavin picked some stupid game. 

"Come on Uncle Ryan! You can easily beat Gavin." Brianna said. Brianna has been in a few videos before. The fans love her.

-Laurens POV-

Brianna decided to make an appearance into the video they were recording. She said 'they were running out of things to say and it wasnt funny, it wouldnt be the first time i will be in a video. you guys should make join in to.' Its true they arent as funny as they were in the first thing they have recorded. They were also watching what they said. I guess thats why they arent as funny. I guess i should ask Dad if i can, hes not doing anything important really. Just standing there watching Father and Uncle Gavin play a game.

I was able to pull Dad to the side. "Dad, can i be in the video like Brianna?" I asked.

"I dont see why not." Dad said.

"What about Meg? Can you ask Uncle Micheal?" 

"Sure." Dad said smiling.

Dad pulled Uncle Mike to the side and asked. They both looked over and gave us a nod of approval.

Meg stood beside Uncle Mike and i stood next to Dad. He lowered the microphone he was holding so i use it. "Come on Father! I know you can beat Uncle Gavin!"

"Dont listen to Lauren, Dad! You can beat Uncle Ryan!" Meg said.

"Thank you Meg. At least one person thinks i could beat Ryan."

"Ah, i never said you couldn't beat him Gavy. I was thinking it but I didn't say it." Uncle Michael said.

We all laughed. 

Finally Father won and he kept the belts. 

"I know you could do it Father!" I said than hugged him.

"I couldn't have won, with you and Brianna." 

"No, you would have been able to win still." Michael said. "Love you Gavy, but you choice a game Ryan was good at and could easily win at." 

Everyone laughed and they ended that vidoe. They let Meg, Brianna and I be in a few vidoes.  Durning lunch I recorded a video with Dad and Father for a channel they called game kids. It was alot of fun.

The whole day so much fun. I got to play with my friends and my friends.

(A/N): Hey. Next chapter will more than likely be the last for this story. I hope you all enjoyed it. 


PS: Happy Birthday James Ryan Haywood<3

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