Chapter 7

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-Rays POV-

You have to be fucking kidding me. He just fucking leaves! That mother fucker. I wonder if he lied about ever loving me now. I better check to make sure he didnt wake Lauren. Thats weird. Ryans sleeping. Then who the fuck opened and closed the door? Wheres Lauren....WHERE THE FUCK IS LAUREN?!


Ryan almost fell on the floor from me scaring him awake. "What do you mean wheres Lauren, we tucked her in for bed about an hour and a half ago."

"She isnt there! Call Gavin! Im going to se if she went to Tinas and Conners."

I ran basiclly ran over to Tinas and rang the bell.

"Ray, what are you doing here this late at night?" Conner said answering the door.

"You seen Lauren?"

"No, she missing?"

"Shes with Gavin and Michael." Ryan said walking up to were i was standing outside the door to Conner and Tinas apartment.

"She is? Alright. Sorry for bothering you Conner. Night."

"Its alright, i would do the same if it was my child. Night."

-Gavins POV-

"Micool could you hand me my phone please." I said. Lauren just finished telling us what happened and she was still sitting on my lap.

"Yea." Michael said getting up. He handed me my phone that sat back down taking Lauren off my lap.

"Ello?" I said answering the phone not bothering to see who it is

"Hey Gavin you seen Lauren? Shes not in her room. We tucked her in for a bed a hour and a half ago."

"Yea, she is with Micool and I, she didnt leave a note or tell you she was here?"

"Why did you tell them were i was?!" Lauren said. I'm prertty sure she said that loud enough for him to here on the phone.

"Because he's your father and he should know where you are."

"Dont let them come get me i dont want to go home and have to hear them yelling again." Lauren said than hugged Michael tight being to cry. Michael started to stroke her hair telling her everything will be okay.

"Lauren is going to spend the night here. I dont think its the best idea for her to go to school. Micool and I dont have to go to work until about 7pm. She could stay here until you get home from work."

"Oh alright. Good night gavin." Ryan said

"Night Ryan." I said than hung up.

"Lauren everything will be alright i promise." Michael said

"Uncle Geoff and Aunt Griffion said the same thing."

"It alright. Get some sleep. Everything will be fixed in the morning." I said.


"Gav, why dont we let her sleep in our bed and we will sleep on he pull out bed."

"Thats fine with me."

Michael and i tucked Lauren in for bed and then went and pulled out the one in couch for us.

-Ryans POV-

I explained what i heard on the phone to ray after we were home. i hate knowing that our little angel doesnt want to be home and its all my fault. I should have come up with an excuse not to go to Lauries. The fact the Ray is mad at me doesnt help either. I truly love Ray and not once thought about going back to Laurie. I would never want to do that. Ray is the love of my life.

"Atleast we know shes safe with Michael and Gavin." Ray said.


"Rye whats wrong you dont sound like yourself."

"I feel as if this all my fault. If only i was able to think of an excuse Laurie would achtually believe. This wouldnt have happened. Now Lauren doesnt want to be home and your mad with me. I'm so fucking stupid i really wish that i was able to come up with something. Couldnt say work because its a Saturday. Feel as if she knew you were away, other wise she probably wouldnt have asked if i could come over. Im such an idiot." I said. I put my head in my hands my eyes tearing a little.

"Rye Bread. Its alright. Im not mad." Ray said. He took my face in hes hands and pulled me up into a kiss. "I'm jealous. I bet you miss the times when you and Laurie just had coffee and talked. I know i could never do the same as she has done for you. Truthly, im suprised that you ever said you loved me back. That night, when we shared our first kiss, i thought you were just saying you liked me back and just learned to achtually love me as time went on." He stared to tear alittle as he said that.

"Thats not true at all. I had loved you for a long time before that happened. It was love at first sight. Remeber when we were at Geoffs and forced to sleep over because Tina and Geoff trapped us in his house."


"I didnt want to get up because i didnt want to let you go. Never thought we would get this far. I only love you Ray. No need to be jealous."

"I love you Ryan Haywood."

"I love you too Ray Haywood."

-Laurens POV-

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and Uncle Gavins laugh. Its 9:00. I'm late for school. Its the first day back since we had off for Thanksgiving, but i took off Monday, Tuesday and Wedsnday as well, to be with Dad in New York.

i walked out of Uncle Michaels and Uncle Gavins room remebering they let me sleep there while they slept on a pull out bed. I rubbed my eye as i entered the kitchen.

"Hey Lauren. Sleep well?" Uncle Gavin said messing my already messy hair.

"My hair." I said laughing. "Yes, i slept very well. Thank you for letting me stay."

"Not a problem Lauren." Uncle Michael said.

"Here you go Lauren. Come sit and eat." Uncle Gavin said placing a plate of pancakes on the kitchen table.

"Thanks Uncle Gavin and Uncle Michael!" I sat down and starting eating.

I had several pancakes, uncle mike and uncle gav laughed about how much i could eat. Played vidoe games, got to build things in minecraft with uncle gav while uncle mike got meg. When they got home i did the homework with meg. Then played some mario kart 8 with meg, uncle gav and mike.

Around 6:40 i had to go home. One of Michaels old friends came over to watch Meg, think her names Lindsay. When i got home, Father picked me up and hugged me.

"Don't you ever scare us like that again. We were so worried." Father said. "Please dont try to do anything like that again."

"I wont father." i said wrapping my arms around hes neck, hugging him.

"Thanks for taking care of her guys." Dad said.

"No problem." Michael said.

Dad closed the door and took me from fathers arms.

"You really scared me Lauren. Dont so anything that again."

"Ok Daddy." I said than hugged Dad.

After that everything went back to normal.

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