Chapter 4

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-Ryans POV-

I brought the lego Edgar that Lauren made for  me into work, Ray did the same with the Rose. I placed it on my desk to were i could see it so when i needed to i could look it and be reminded about my little angel.

We were recording a Lets Play, when Gavin said he took something off my desk. Still getting use to lego Edgar being there i didnt notice until he said something.

"So wered you put it Gavin?" i said.

"Oh god. I have a feeling this wont end very well." Ray said

"I may or may not have broke it into pieces and throw in away." 

"Your a moron Gavin." Michael said. 

"Guess your not getting that back" Jack said

"Oh I know how ill get it back." i said getting up

"Wait wait someone get a camera." Jack said

Michael quickly got hes phone out, struggling in the process.

Micheal started recording. I poured about half the garage on Gavin. Gavin reached ontop of the bookshelf that holds games instead of books, and he was holding lego Edgar. Geoff fell on the floor from laughter, ray, jack and michael were laughing as well, but not like geoff. I took lego Edgar and placed him back on my desk, gavin when to clean up Michael followed him with the camra. I cleaned up. I wanted to go all mad king on him, the second i saw he was pranking me, i didnt because Michael was recording. Once i saw that Micheal stopped recording, i pulled gavin away from the still active mics that we use when we record. 

"Gavin dont you dare do something like that again, Lauren made that for me. Oh and dont even think about touching the lego rose thats on Rays desk, Lauren made that as well." I said. 

"O-okay." gavin said with fear in hes eyes.

"Good." i said then we went back to our desks and continued the game.

Saturday rolled around and I took Millie, Lauren, and Meg to the park to play and meet up with there friend Julain, while Ray was live streaming. I was sitting on the bench watching them play while talking with Julains Dad.

 -Lauren POV-

"Try and catch us Julain!" Meg said as Millie Meg and I ran around the play ground.

"No fair theres more of you than there is of me i cant catch you all!" Julain said trying catch Meg first.

"Can i help play?" A boy said that look about our age.

"Sure. Im Julain. That girl over there with the blond hair is Millie, the girl over there with the black hair is Meg, and the girl over there with the dirty blond almost brown hair is Lauren." Julain said.

"Im Jack. Nice to meet you."

"Millie Meg and I have a uncle named Jack!" I said.

"Thats pretty cool." Jack said

"Well are you to going to try and catch us?" Millie said

We ran around for about 15 minutes. After were sat on the play ground talking.

"You new here Jack? Haven't seen you around here before." Julain said

"Yea, i moved here the other day. I start school Monday."

"Hey maybe we will see you there. You can eat lunch with us." 

"That's sounds awesome!" 

Seems like Jack and Julian are going to be great friends. They kinda remind me of my dad and father. I hope they will have a happier story then Dad and Father.

"Excuse me, can i sit with you guys? My friends had leave and I don't want to go home just yet." 

"Sure!" We all said at the same time.

We all laughed at the fact the four of us talked at the same time. "Im Lauren!" 





"Ryan Jr.

"My fathers name is Ryan." I said smiling.

"Thats cool. My mom never told me who i was named after." Ryan said

We sat there and talked for about anther 20 minutes. Than Father came over and said it was time to go.

"Come on girls its time to go home." 

"Do we have to Father?" 

"Just a little bit longer Uncle Ryan." Meg said

"Yea, a little longer please Uncle Ryan." Millie said.

"Sorry girls, your dads want you home."

-Ryans POV-

"Ryan, its time to go." A familiar voice said. I turn to see who the voice belonged to. It was Laurie. I haven't her years. Truthfully i haven't wanted to see her.

"Laurie? What are you doing here?" I asked acting somewhat happy to see her. Im not really.

"Ryan? I should be asking you the same thing, i never expected you to be at a place like this, and im here to pick up my son."

"Father who's she?" Lauren said with much curiosity in her voice.

"Lauren this is Laurie. I was married to her before i met your Dad." I said picking up Lauren. Millie and Meg are standing around me now as well.

"Ohh, I remember you telling me about her when you  told me how you and Dad met." 

"Its nice to met you Lauren." Laurie said with an all to familiar smile. I use to love kiss her every time I saw that smile, now i wouldn't even dare to think about it.

"Mom, do we have to go? I want to stay and talk with Julain and Jack." 

"Yes, Ryan. Your Dad is making dinner." 

"Ryan huh. sounds familiar." I said smirking. 

"I named him after you." Laurie said grabbing her sons hand. "Although you are one talk."

"Guess your right. Well i got to get Meg and Millie home before, Geoff and Michael freak."

"Alright it was nice seeing you again Ryan."

"Nice to see you too Laurie." Well okay, it was pretty nice knowing that things worked out for her and David. Although i didn't seem like they ever got married, shes not wearing any wedding or enlargement rings. Ray and hate leaving the house if they aren't on.

"Bye Julain, see you Monday." The girls said.

I dropped Millie off at her house then went up to Michael and Gavins. We than drove to home, where Lauren fell asleep in car. which i guess is a good thing Ray is still live streaming. I picked up Lauren from the back seat, careful not to wake her, and took Megs hand. We went up to Gavin and Michaels. Meg was happy to be home. I texted Ray and told him to show the chat which controller he was using - he has what seems like a whole collection - while i walk past with Lauren to put her in her bed were she could continue to nap peacefully.

The plain worked perfectly. About 15 minutes later Ray ended the stream which was perfect because just as he stopped recording Lauren woke and come out of her room and joined me on the couch to watch TV. Ray joined us as well sitting on the other side of Lauren. Ray and I were forced to watch little kids shows, but we were happy to be with our daughter so it was worth it.

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