Chapter 10

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-3rd POV-

When Lauren had to go to work with Ryan and Ray she was allowed to be in a few videos they recorded that day. Besides the one that they do for Game Kids. Its not often she needs to go work with them so its fine. Ryan and Michael also said in a video, one that neither Meg or Lauren as in, that the fans needed to back the fuck off. Its there life and the fans cant say shit.The fans did back off and that made Ray and Gavin feel alittle better.

-about 8 years later-

Lauren, Brianna and Meg is 16 years old now. They still do Games Kids, they dont ever want to stop they love being able to be apart of their fathers, well for Meg and Lauren fathers and dads job. Lauren still loves to watch TV with Ryan and Ray before bed. She still loves to play video games with them but now she is able to play better games, like Call of Duty. Ray has taught her all he know and one can argue she is better at it than she he it.

-Laurens POV-

Sunday afternoon, Dads streaming and today Father decided to join him. I'm getting ready to go to the park with Brianna, Meg, Julian and Jack. No not Uncle Jack, our friend Jack. We met him at the park about eight years ago. I think Julian and Jack have a thing for each other. Oh yea, my boyfriend Brandon is going to met us at the park as well, i think Megs boyfriend is coming as well. I dont know. Dad and Father don't know i have a boyfriend so its a good thing that father isn't taking me to the park. Alright all ready. Just in time to Meg is coming down to get me.

"Father, Dad. Meg is on her way down to come get me. We are going to walk to the park to met our boy- our friends." I said walking out of my room. Shit, i hope they didn't catch on.

"Who are you meeting there?" Father said looking at me.

"Our friends. You know, Brianna, Julian and Jack."

"Alright. Be care full Lauren. Stay safe." 

"I will Father." 

The door bell rang and i opened it to see Meg standing there ready to go.

"Father, Dad. Megs here." I said as i walked over to them they just started the stream.

"Alright be careful Lauren. Text one of us when you get there." Dad said

"I will Dad. Love you." I said than kissed hes cheek. "Love you Father." I said and kissed his cheek as well. "Hi chat!" I said before walking away. "Alright lets go Meg." 

Meg and I headed out to the park. One of the only reason Dad and Father let me walk to the park is because Dad taught me how to defend my self as if i was in New York. Some parts of New York are pretty bad. 

We got to the park about 10 minutes later. I texted both Father and Dad. Than ran into my boyfriends arms kissing him.

"Hey baby." I said

"Hey babe." Brandon said.

"Sup Lauren." Julian said

"Nothing much sup with you." 


"Dude! Did you hear that after like eight years they are going to finally add a story line to Destiny!" Jack said.

"Shit really! Father will be happy to here that."

"Hey guys Brianna said." Uncle Geoff just dropped her off.

"Hey." We all said

"Now that you here lets play truth or dare!" Jack said

"Alright, I say Lauren should give a truth or dare first." Brandon said than kissed my check.

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