Alteritve 11

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-Rays POV-

Geoff just got back to the office. He was gone for like an hour. What could he possible have done?

"How was he?" Jack asked.

"I never thought I would see a grown man with vomit on his shirt just sitting in the bathroom. It was absolutely discusting. He wrists were red. I really never thought i would see a grown man look like that. Lucky i was able to get him to clean up and shower, while he was doing that I made him some eggs. Hopefully he will be able to keep that down and sleep." Geoff said. "Oh and Ray, Ryan wanted me to give this to you, he said that he wanted to wait until your wedding aniversay but if that gets you to go home, he would rather you have it now."

"Thanks." I said and took the box. What the fuck can this possibly be? I opened the box to see a photo book, and a note. The photos are pictures of when we were at Geoffs cuddling on the couch for the first time - could have sowrn i deleted that- to when he proposed, to when we adopted Lauren, and every major event during our relationship. I can't help but smile at the pictures, lets see what the note says. "Dear Ray, I love you. I have been collecting and making this book of photos so we can look back on our life together, form where is started to the presesnt. I can't wait to be able to add more pictures to it. I love you Ray. You are my love, my life. I'm not sure how I got along when i wasn't with you. Seeing the photos we add together will be exciting. I love you. Happy aniversay my love. Love your Ryan" Ryan... "Geoff, i got to go. Michael when you pick up Meg can you pick up Lauren?"

"Yeah sure." Michael said.

"See you tomorrow Ray." Geoff said smiling.

I'm coming Ryan.


I unlocked the door as quitely as i can, incase Ryan is sleeping. I walked in to see Ryan sleeping. I locked the door, got him a blanet, and put it over him. I watched him sleep for a moment then went to my desk and started to play some easy simple games to boost my Gamer Score.

Been playing this game for about an hour, Ryan's is still asleep, although I think he's starting to wake up. I should go over there and scare him. I quietly walk over his eyes still closed but I can tell hes awake. I wake over quietly, sit on him, and kiss him. I pull back and he opens his eyes as I go in for another kiss. He kisses me back I can feel him smile into the kiss.

"You came home." He said smiling. "Im so sorry."

"How can I not come home? Your too cute. And that photo book was the cutest. I love you Ryan." I said and kissed him again.

"I love you more." Ryan said when he broke the kiss for air.

"Shut up and kiss me will ya." I said taking his shirt off and kissed him quickly depening the kiss. He pulled away to take my shirt off. Quickly we moved to the bedroom and continued losing articles of clothing get more and more sexual as the seconds pass.


Few hours later, Ryan and I have showered and are now cuddling on the couch watching TV waiting for Michael and Gavin to drop off Lauren. She should be here any second.

"I'm gettig worried Ray. They should be here by now." Ryan said.

"Probably took her a second to get out, remeber she still has a broken leg."

"Oh yeah, i forgot about that."

"Yeah, we take her to the doctor next month to see if she can get the cast off and if not how much longer."

Ryan was going to see say something but the bell rang and Ryan went to get it, i followed behind him knowing it would be Lauren.

"Father! Daddy! I missed you guys." Lauren said moving as fast as she can with her crutches and hugged as both."

Rye-Bread and I said thank you to Michael and Gavin for bring Lauren home. We helped her with her homework and then watched TV on the couch.

—- 3rd POV —-

As the months and years went by Ray, Ryan and Lauren added to the photo book and almost every night Ryan and Ray look through the pictures together. Living very happily.

The End~

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