Chapter 5

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-Ryan's POV-

Its the week of Thanksgiving and Ray left for New York to visit family. Lauren went with him because she loves New York, plus she gets to see her grandmother. I was going to go but i wanted to save my days off for when Lauren has off from school. I don't want to leave her with Griffion every time.

The apartment is empty without the love of my life and my daughter, but i know they will be home soon.

I was going through my phone when Laurie texted me. The last person i thought that would ever text me did.

"Hey Ryan. David and Ryan Jr are out. Want to come over and catch up over some coffee?" L~

Hesitant to say yes wonder what Ray would say if he found out i was going. Also i don't really want to see her but i dont have an excuse not to... "Sure i dont see why not." R~

"Ill get the coffee ready. See you soon." L~

I drove to my old house. Never thought i would be back here ever. I rang the bell, Laurie answered the door and we sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee, just like we use to.

"So when did you and Ray adopted Lauren?"

"Lauren was six, so about two years ago. She was born with the name Lauren. We had the option to change it, we decided not you being it the shes been use to hearing for six years and the fact that it was similar to yours was just a bonus. What Ryan Jr how old is he?"

"Ryan Jr just turned eight last month. Hes technically Ryan James. Which doesn't technically make him a junior since legally your name is James Ryan, and of course the different last names." 

"So what made you name me after me? Why not David?" 

"I always wanted a child. If things didn't turn out the way they did, when you were ready to have a child, i was going to name him after you, if it was a boy. I had always planed it like that. I wasn't going to change that because the child isn't yours. Plus i really like the name." 

Laurie and I talked for anther few hours than i had to go home. It really reminded me of old times. Like the first year Laurie and I were married. It was a week before Christmas, we lowed the temperature in the house so that it was cold like it is up north, and sat in the kitchen drinking hot chocolate for what seemed like all day.  After that we did that every year. I'm kinda going to miss doing that. It was fun. Just before we turned the heat back on we would lay in bed and cuddle watching a random movie. So much as changed in just two years.

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