Alteritive 9

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***Warning: Self harm! Skip the first paragraph if you want dont want to read it!!***

-Ryan's POV-

I lost him... one of the best things that has ever happened to me i lost. My husband, my daughter, everything. I bet Ray wont ever want to talk to me again I'm just that much of a fuck up. Where did Ray hide his razor... He hasn't used it in a long time, but i know he still has it. Aha, here it is. I put the blade to both wrists. Hurt like hell, but only for a second. Ray isn't ever going to talk to me again. I don't see the point of living. With how mad he was I'll be surprised if he even comes home. Just the thought of it makes me feel like shit, like what ever is in my stomach is just going to come up. Oh i think is.. Gross.. good think i was already in the bathroom. I feel like shit.. i should call Geoff and tell him whats going on, first i should probably but a bandage on my wrists...

"Hello?" Geoff said answering the phone.

"Hey Geoff its Ryan. Can Lauren stay with you tonight, possibly tomorrow as well. Ray knows how awful of a person I am and what happened while he was away.."

"Yeah, of course. You sound like shit by the way..." Geoff said.

"Gee thanks, i already know that. Anyway can you call ray for me and tell him that is alright if Lauren stays with you. He probably won't answer me."

"Alright well, get some rest and eat something, ill talk to you later to make sure your alright."

"I can't anything.. it wont stay down... ill talk you later... bye." I said an hung up. I lightly tossed my phone on the floor and placed my hand in my knees. I am currently sitting on the bathroom floor in case i need throw up again.

-Rays POV-

How can the wheater be so nice on such a shitty day... who's calling me and why! I don't want to talk to anyone.. ugh its Geoff i guess i should answer him.

"Yeah?" I said answering my phone.

"Hey, Ryan told me what happened. Lauren is going to stay with me for a few days, until you and Ryan work things out." 

"What if i don't want to work things out with him. His a piece of shit! He fucking kissed his ex-wife. That's just like a slap in the face!" 

"I understand, but i think you should at least go check on Ryan. When he called he sounded like he was basically dieing. He achtually said he cant stomach food, and knowing him he will probably stay awake until you get home if that's today, tomorrow or the next day." 

"He can fuck himself i don't care how he is. Tell Laurie to take care of him! He doesnt love me and probably never really did! He kissed her Geoff! He might have gone out to see her and have kissed her before this passed weekend as well!"

"Alright fine ill have Jack watch after him. He won't be happy about that..." Geoff said. I could just barely hear Jack in the back round say "what am i doing." 

"Shut up Jack I'm on the phone, anyway, you have the next few days off to get everything straight and decide what you want to do. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright bye." I said and hung up the phone. 

Is really so upset that hes sick? No. I bet Geoff is just lieing to get me to check on him. No going to work Geoff. The only reason I'm going home is sleep and get ready for work tomorrow. I am not talking to Ryan. 

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