Alteritive 8

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The next few days everything went well, Lauren learned to use crutches easy, I'm still somewhat ignoring Ryan. We got home yesterday and everything is unpacked, Lauren went to school this morning. I took the day off to clean up and have everything the way i like it that Ryan can agree with. Oh, and Geoff said that Ryan can have off as well..i wanted sometime to myself guess that's not happening..

"Babe, what do you want for lunch?" Ryan said going to the kitchen.

"Sandwich. Wait did you just call be 'babe'? You haven't called me that since we got Lauren, whats with the sudden change?" I said pausing my game.

"Alright, i wont call be babe anymore then.." Ryan said closing the refrigerator. "Didn't know it was a crime to call my husband names to show i love him..." he said under this breath.

"Alright, whats going on. Ever since we got back and you hung out with your ex-wife you have been acting weird, showing me a little bit more affection then you have since we got Lauren."

"Nothing just want you to know that i love you. Is that now a crime?"

"What really happened when you when went to talk with Laurie? Something happened? Tell me now, or you are sleeping on the couch the next few nights!"

"Nothing we just talked!"

"What. Really. Happened." I can tell his lieing 

"We had some coffee while she was talking about old things we use to do, watched TV, than you called telling me Lauren was in the hospital."

"Something else happened that your not telling me."

Ryan sighed "Is it really? That important?"

"Yes! It is!"

"Finee....she kissed me...." he said in a whisper.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!"

"She kissed me.." he said i little loader this time.

"And what did you do about it?!" I said furious.

"I kissed her back...than you called and left in a panic because my little girl was hurt, you were mad at me, so i went to Geoff to try and figure out what to do, since you said not to come, but I knew I needed to be there anyway, so I talked to Geoff for a while, than I said fuck it, I'm going anyway."


I slammed the door as I left. I can't believe they fucking kissed! What the fuck. That fucking asshole!

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