Alternative Chapter 7

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-Ryans POV-

I got to New York about four hours later, its almost time for dinner, but im not hungry. I rented a car and put my bags into the trunk and drove to North Shore Hospital. I had called Ray earlier to ask.

When i got there i asked for her room and went up. Ray and Lauren are on their DS's. I walked in and sat stood next to Lauren's bed.

"FATHER!" Lauren said putting her DS down. "Daddy said you were to bussy to come. How are you here?"

"I'm never to bussy for you. What ever Uncle Geoff needed me to do i can do when I get back, right now i need to be here for you."

"I knew you would come Father."

"I'll always be here for you my little angel."

Ray just gave me a dirty look, as if he knew that i kissed my ex-wife. I wish I didn't, i love Ray more than anything. I have no idea what was going through my mind when i did that.

-Rays POV-

I can't believe he actually come after what i said. I was somewhat surprised when he texted me saying he was coming know matter what i say. I know he loves Lauren just as much as i do. So why am i surprised? Was it because I don't want to see him? We wont be here for a to much longer, they are going to teach Lauren how to use crutches tomorrow. Then the day after tomorrow we get to go home. Maybe by then I'll know what to, know what to tell Ryan. Maybe I'm just over reacting and Ryan didn't do anything but talk to her. Its been a few years since they have seen each other, and there isn't anything wrong with with being friends... I guess I'm just to jealous... to worried things will go back to the way they were before... I'd be in my apartment cutting, Ryan would be home with his wife doing god knows what, i would go on with my day acting like i don't love him, and i who knows what would happen to Lauren. Shes my daughter, no matter what happens i don't want to lose her, and I'm sure Ryan feels the same. God i hope I'm over reacting.


So this is later than i wanted it to be, sorry for the wait. I'll get the next one out sooner hopefully. Little side note, while prove reading this i realized how important commas are... why i told you that, i don't know... yeah.. Stay awesome~


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