01 | remember i love you

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Red and blue police lights shined in the faces of Meilani McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall and Isaac Lahey. The four members from the McCall pack all shifted awkwardly as the police milled about the scene that the four — or rather, Meilani and Isaac — had just created for the police department. A getaway car had been speeding through the highway and Meilani being the true alpha that she was wanted to help Noah Stilinski, the sheriff and father of her boyfriend, catch him like she always had done. Her hero complex only seemed to grow as time went on it seemed and Meilani didn't even think twice when she leapt up onto the hood of the getaway truck, slashing at it with her claws to get the guy to slow down.

In Meilani's defense, the guy did slow down. However . . . not in the way that she'd hoped. Upon seeing Meilani's glowing red eyes and elongated claws, the guy swerved off to the side of the highway and onto the side of the road nearby the side of the Beacon Hills Preserve. An area of the woods that Meilani and her pack had spent more than their fair share of time inside thanks to all of the supernatural drama that had been popping up ever since Meilani had been turned when she was in sophomore year.

Meilani expected the disappointed expression on Noah's face when he arrived with multiple cop cars that had been in pursuit of the truck for a good while before Meilani stepped in. She bit the inside of her lip as she smiled sheepishly at the frowning sheriff, his hands on his hips as his eyes assessed Meilani and her three boys. Every last one of them shifted under his gaze and they all tried to act as innocently as possible, even though that tactic never worked with Noah nor Meilani and Scott's mom, Melissa.

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