Stella & The Spotlight

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Chapter 7

The day had finally arrived.

The day of the engagement party.

The party did not start until 5 pm but I had a lot of things to do beforehand. I had appointments upon appointments to get ready for the party.

I got out of bed and head downstairs for a quick breakfast before the start of my day. I made some eggs and toast and proceed to gulp down a glass of orange juice before running back to my room to get dressed for my appointments.

My first appointment was at 10:30 am at the nail salon and I finished around 12 pm before heading back to my house to get my things.

Because the party was being held at Julius's parent's house, it only made sense to do most of my getting ready there. They lived about 30 minutes away from Manhattan in a town called Great Neck.

I had never been to The Ashford Manor but I knew they host many events there. I always heard the interior was incredible as well as its exterior, with acres of land and a beautiful view of the water bordering the area.

Julius's mother was expecting me at the house today before the party to assist me in getting ready, as well as showing me around the manor. I packed up my essentials, as well as my dress before placing them into the car. Julius and I had planned to meet at the house before the party to go over the plan for tonight.

After waving goodbye to my mother, I got into my car and started my journey to the Ashford manor. I was thankful they didn't live further, making my trip much easier. When I arrived at the address I had put into the GPS I gasped at the sight before me. The house first and foremost was huge and when I say huge, I mean huge!

I had never in my life felt so out of place as I stepped out of my car wearing my sweatpants and hoodie in front of the multimillion-dollar mansion. My family was rich, but this was on another level. No wonder my father wanted me to marry into their family. I grabbed my things and started walking along the pavement toward the house.

As I got closer I could see people working on the lawn and grooming the plants to get ready for tonight's event. We were still in the early spring days meaning the party was most likely going to be held inside because of the cool weather.

I approach the large wooden and glass doors and proceed to press the bell as I struggled to carry my things. The door opens and an older black woman opens the door, wearing an apron. She smiles when she sees me, "You must be Stella, let me help you with that." She reaches over and grabs the makeup box in my hands.

"Thank you, nice to meet you." I tell her as she opens up the door.

She lets me into the foyer where I'm greeted by a grand white and wooden staircase and an elegant chandelier. "My names Lucille and I'm what you call the help." She says with a small laugh as she leads me up the grand staircase. We enter a large bedroom where she directs me to take a seat. "Mrs. Ashford will be with you momentarily, can I get you anything?" She asks.

I shake my head, "I think I'm fine, thank you."

Lucille nods, "Hair and makeup will also be here soon. Just call out if you need anything else." She exits the room, leaving me to explore. The room had its own bathroom, as well as a living area. I wandered into the bathroom to look at the beautiful detail of the all-white room. It was big with a large window in front of the tub, as well as a vanity and bench nearby.

The door opens and Mrs. Ashford enters the bedroom. "Stella sweetie! How are you?" She asks as she gives me a hug.

I smile at the small woman, "I'm good, how are you?"

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