Playboy & The Garden

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Chapter 25


The past few months have been very interesting. My feelings for Stella had grown past the simple crush I had before. But I also had great respect for her, and that's why I decided to stop pursuing her.

She's made it very clear how she doesn't want anything to happen between us. Anytime something did happen she would freak out and I didn't want to jeopardize the truce we had finally created with each other. It was about time I respected her wishes and stopped.

Ashford Industries and Empire Industries were already working hard together and getting ready to announce their first joint product. It had been in the works since the second I put an engagement ring on Stella's finger. Our fathers wasted no time joining together to expand their inventory.

So now we were celebrating the release of this first product at an event in Boston. There was going to be a seminar during the day, introducing the product and explaining to all potential buyers its purpose. And when evening struck there would be the celebratory launch party.

Stella and I needed to be there the day before to get ready since I was the incoming CEO.
So here we were, in Boston checking into our suite at The White Lotus Hotel & Spa.

"Your room key sir." The desk attendant says flirtatiously as she hands me the key to the room. I smile lightly at her, "Thank you."

She blushes, "If you need anything, feel free to call the front desk. Ask for Melinda." She says with a wink.

I could feel Stellas eye roll from beside me as she glared at the desk attendant, "Desperate much?" She mumbles under her breath. The desk attendant furrows her brows at Stella, indicating she heard her. "Excuse me?"

Stella shrugs, "You're excused."

I chuckle nervously as I grab Stella's hand, leading her away before a catfight erupts between the two. "Wow someone has been extremely jealous lately." I said as the elevator begins to go up.

She frowns at me, "It's not jealousy, I'm simply playing the part of your fiancé. She was flirting with you which happens to be extremely inappropriate."

I chuckle as I rest my back against the elevator wall, "Whatever you say."

We were both quiet as the elevator went up to our floor. It wasn't as if we were mad at each other. Stella had caught on that I stopped flirting with her and we just weren't as friendly anymore. I missed how it was before, but this was for the better.

The elevator dings as we reach our floor and head down the hall to our suite. I unlock the door, revealing the beautiful grand suite. There was large a sitting area with cream furniture and a tv. Stella wanders over to the doors where the bedroom could be found. She turns around with her brow quirked as she sees the room.

"One bed?" She asks as she looks over at me.

"Don't worry I'm sleeping on the couch. They were out of two-bedroom suites. You can take the bed."

She shakes her head, "It's fine, the beds big enough for the both of us."

I quirk my brow, "You sure that's a good idea?"

She shrugs, "I don't see why not."

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to sleep in the same bed with Stella. We had only done it once and that was when we were drunk.

I shrug nonchalantly before heading toward the bathroom, "I'm going to freshen up. The briefing for tomorrow's event is scheduled for this afternoon."

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