Stella & The Scandal

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Chapter 16

When I got back to the bedroom to get ready, Julius was already there. Throwing clothes into his luggage angrily.

"Hey." I said quietly as I shut the bedroom door behind me.

He looks up at me briefly before continuing to pack his bags. "Really? Still with the silent treatment? What happened last night Julius?" I ask.

"I don't know, you tell me?" He asks nonchalantly.

"Tell you what?"

"What were you doing in the lounge?" His voice now laced with irritation.

"I got lost on my way to the bathroom."

"Then who the hell was that guy?" He asks.

I quirk my eyebrow, "What?"

"Don't 'what' me Stella, who was he?"

I shake my head, "That's not what this is about, you were upset before that."

"I don't like to be teased Stella, don't be a tease." He says in frustration. "You won't sleep with me but you'll sashay all over the club in your tiny dress and flirt with strangers."

My eyes were wide, "This is all because I said I wouldn't sleep with you?" He doesn't respond and I scoff, "Well I hope you're ready to get arrested a couple more times because I will never, I repeat never sleep with you, Julius."

"But you want to sleep with that guy huh?" He asks angrily.

I glare as I walk over to him, "And what if I did? Your ego wouldn't be able to take it huh? To know that the one girl who won't have sex with you is banging some other guy." He glared back at me but remains silent.

"Not everything can go your way Julius, grow up." I say before shoving past him and heading toward the bathroom.

After I get out of the shower Julius wasn't in the room anymore and frankly I didn't care. I get dressed freely and head back to the living room to meet Penny. "Hailey's coming too."

"Is she hungover?" I ask.

"Slightly, but I didn't wanna miss hanging out before you left." Hailey says as she enters the room wearing sunglasses.

I smile at her, "I'm glad."

We head outside and start walking along the beach toward the gift shop. "Did you guys hear all the yelling this morning?" Hailey asks as we walk along the sand. Penny nods, "Front row."

"I'm really surprised Julius reacted like that at the club, he must be into you." Hailey says.

Penny scoffs, "That is clear toxic behavior, not a sign that he's into you." I smile, every time she opens her mouth she makes me like her even more. "I mean clearly he is though. That's why you're marrying him." Penny adds.

I shrug in response, "Yeah exactly."

We get to the shop and start looking at all the cute little gift items. There were t-shirts, paintings, shells, keychains, and all sorts of items around the store. We start looking around the store and I look through the t-shirt rack. I picked a shirt and seashells for Sheila and a cute woven bag for my mom. My dad wasn't going to get anything because, well I hated him. Penny and Hailey picked small items before we decided to check out and grab some brunch at a nearby cafe.

"Are you ready to face the world again?" Hailey asks as she bites into her mozzarella stick.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I sip my lemonade.

"If uncle Oscar isn't cleaning this up for Julius, the paparazzi are going to swarm you guys as soon as you get back." Penny says. "Have you even checked social media your whole trip here?"

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