Stella & The Monthly Visitor

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Chapter 20

The next morning I woke up to the sound of movement in the hallways. I get out of bed tiredly and grab my robe before peering my head outside the bedroom door. Several men were moving items throughout the hallway.

I quirk my brow as I see them removing the living room couch from where it sat. I walk out of the bedroom and toward the living room where I saw Julius directing them. "Where are you taking the couch?" I ask.

He doesn't look at me as he's pointing toward the door for the men to follow, "I'm switching it out for mine, it's going into storage."

I frown, "I like that couch!" I turn to the men, "Put the couch back." Julius shakes his head before looking down at me, "My couch is better."

I scoff, "Your couch is infested with women's panties!"

"That was one time!" He turns back to the men who had begun placing the couch back into its spot, "Take the couch away." He directs them.

I point at the men, "You guys take a break."

The men shrug before putting the couch down and walking away. I spin back around to Julius who had his arms crossed in front of him. He was dressed fairly casually, with grey sweats and a fitted white t-shirt. "Why are you switching out the furniture? Without consulting me?" I ask irritatedly.

He shrugs, "I didn't think you would care."

"Of course I care. I don't want to use your stinky sex-filled furniture."

He scoffs, "I don't have sex on all my furniture. Sex on a barstool would be difficult." He pauses for a minute as he thinks, "But not impossible."

I roll my eyes at him before walking away. "We're keeping the furniture and that's final."

"What happened to consulting each other?" He asks with his brow raised.

I turn around, "That went down the toilet the second you started talking about barstool sex." I continue walking and head toward my bedroom to get ready for the day.

It was Sunday morning and Julius was officially moving in. He spent the night here last night and I had hardly noticed his presence, but that's because we were in separate rooms.

After taking a shower and dressing in something simple, a fitted grey top and some high-waisted jeans. I reentered the open living room and kitchen area to find some breakfast. The movers were gone and it looked like the furniture stayed the same. Julius was sitting down in front of the counter, reading from his phone as he sipped coffee.

"Good morning." I mumble as I open the fridge.

He looked up from his phone, his eyes scanning me before speaking, "Good morning." It was short and curt.

I pull almond milk out of the fridge before grabbing cereal and a bowl from the cabinet. I walk past Julius and toward the dining area, where I put my breakfast ingredients on the table. As I'm walking back to the kitchen I notice that the barstool Julius is sitting on isn't the same one from before. I frown, "Did you switch out the barstools?" I ask him with a hand on my hip.

He turns around to face me, "I told you I haven't had sex on these." He smirks at me, "Yet."

I roll my eyes at him, as he returns his attention to the phone. "Are you ever going to stop with the consistent flirting?"

"Probably not." He responds, not looking up from his phone.

I was feeling more irritable than usual and just decided to ignore him and eat my breakfast. There was barely any milk left so my portions were extremely small. After breakfast, I went back to my room to put on my shoes and go out for the day. I needed to run some errands and get ready for the upcoming week.

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